The Evil Mind

Good evening, I'm Evil Girl. I was created from the power of my friend's mind and now I am REAL! Creepy, huh? Jhonen doesn't make up stuff! Umm...anyway- I am 16 or something close to that anyway. I'm from China, but I'm living illegally in America. In Massachusetts, in fact. I've moved FOUR time in my life! I had a lot of friends at my ol' school, but not many here. I hate people who don't like you because of your race or colour. I hate my parents. They don't let me date until I'm 18. That is so stupid. There are like, so many guys I would go out with too. I think guys are so stupid. We don't need them. Once they make up artifical sperm, guys will be useless. I've never thought of when they make artifical eggs, women will be uselss. I've also never thought of killing myself. It's just never hit me that me being dead would be a benefit for everyone.

I moved to North Attleborough just when my school started renovating. I think this school is stupid. They don't pay for anything. They're so cheap. And there's so many requirements. At my ol' school, they didn't make you do anything in gym. We just sat around an talked. We had to wear school colours for gym. At my ol' school, they didn't make us change for gym. They didn't care.

Both of my parents are chemists. My dad is such a liar though. I hate liars. I can always tell when someone's lying because my dad always lies. My friend always lies. She says that I can't really tell, but I always can. Whenever I sneak up on her, she pretends she knows I'm there, but she lies. She's so deaf. Humanbs are superior because they're the most developed. For some reason, everyone got pissed at me for saying this. Well, it's true! They are superior! Who cares about the stupid bunnies? Animals don't think! They don't cxare if you do experiments on them. People are so stupid if they believe animals think and care!

I love fantasy. My friend is so stupid though. She doesn't know anything about fantasy. She's so obsessed with fantasy and she doesn't even read too many fantasy novels! She doesn't know fantasy. And it's so obvious too. She thinks satyrs are cute first of all. No they;re not! Satyrs are ugly. Minotaurs are better than satyrs. Minotaurs are strong and powerful. Satyrs are just goatmen. They're ugly. It's never struck me that satyrs make damn good Gods. I don't think I know shit about mythology. I believe my imagination is EXACTLY like everyone else's Doesn't everyone picture things the same way? My friend is so stupid! Oh, and she's obsessed with this Edward Gorey person. Edward Gorey is so stupid! His books are so bad and so stupid! And he doesn't make any sense! He's so stupid! Oh, and my friend thinks she's all into witchcrafty stuff and stuff and yet she doesn't even watch "Charmed". What kind of witchcraft person is she? How could you know anything about witchcraft when you don't even watched "Charmed"? That is so stupid! She says she hates "Charmed". Everything is so stupid. Law & Order Rules.

My friend was drawing an alien. She said it wasn't an alien, but it was. She was probably lying again. It had pointy ears, of course it was an alien. What else has pointy ears?

My friend always wears the same necklaces everyday. She argued that she doesn't really, but she does. I can't believe she's a virgin. It hasn't occured to me yet that only virgins fuck trees. She has this ugly picture of her ugly cat. She thinks he's cute. He's not. He's ugly. And her brother looks like Egore. Y'know, Egore from Frankenstein. She wouldn't believe me that Egore is in the real Frankenstein. She's so stupid. Everyone knows who Egore is! My friend is so immature! couldn't tell me what a conquistador is! I mean, that's not like a question out of randomness. She should've been able to come up with a strait definition at the moment! So she is immature.

My friend wore a Pan necklace one time. Why did she wear a Pan one? Why not Zues or Athena or something? I haven't thought yet that perhaps she isn't Greek.

She's so goth too. She says she's not, but she lies. Does she even know what Goth is? She's so stupid. She wouldn't believe me that vegetarians are unhealthy. She got so pissed at me for saying that. What did I do? They are! I know a vegetarian who's YELLOW. Everyone knows vegetarians are unhealthy. People would never go on a vegetarian diet to be healthy, only to be unhealthy. I forgot my friend was very angry at me in two minutes.

One time I was doing my spanish homework out loud again. My friend told me to knock it off, so I didn't. Then we argued about how to pronounce "ella." It's "elia". My friend from Spain pronounces it "elia". She says its "eya". Then she made up someone named "Maria Jose" from Spain to back her up. That's not even a spanish name! Come'on, "Jose"?! That's not spanish! She's so stupid. I'm an idiot and I'm still smarter than her. She won't believe me. She says MAYBE I'm smarter in academics [evil girl's friend wants you to note the maybe]. What else is there to be smarter in? She's so stupid! I'm ALWAYS right. I always win in arguments. Why I was co-president of the debate team at my ol' school! I'm way smarter than her. And she never remembers to bring her tarot cards. I wanna play with her tarot cards and I can't when she doesn't remember to bring them! I don't wanna just buy my own-they are expensive! She's so stupid.

She drew an elf once. She said it wasn't an elf. She had pointy ears and no wings. Only elves have pointy ears. She should've put wings in her. I like wings. They're pretty. I haven't thought that maybe since my friend is the one who drew it, that she'd know more about what it is than me. But that doesn't matter. I'm always right and plus I'm smarter than her. She's failing math, so I did her homework for her. Now she won't fail. I'm so nice. She always draws creepy things. The elf didn't look creepy, but she always draw creepy things, so it must've been creepy. She's so stupid.

Oh, and she thinks you can be so shy that you can't even ask for something. No one is that shy! Gimme a break. She is so stupid! And she won't believe me that her brother is adopted. I learned it in biology class, it must be true! She thinks her brother is real. She so stubbourn!

AHHH! She's attacking me with a....


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