
-a story by H-

There once lived a beautiful, young princess named Katrina. Katrina had skin as white as clouds and lovely, ebony hair with some red.

Unfortunately, she didn't stay very pretty for long. By the age of 16, she had turned into a hideous princess who had grown fangs. Her father didn't approve of this. He said it was the work of the devil.

"Take Katrina to the dungeon at once!" her father called to the guards. They obeyed and locked her up. She was a bit upset by all this.

Fortunately, Katrina was skinny enough to slip her hands from the cuffs. However, she was still stuck in that smell, dirty dungeon. For the next nine months, she lived off of eating worms and rats and bathing in their blood and urine.

A magical faery appeared with her own scenery before Katrina's eyes. "If you make your bed," she spoke, "You will be able to fly to a wonderous land!" "But I can not escape this terrible dungeon!" Katrina explained to the faery. "Have you tried opening the door of the dungeon?" the faery asked. "Why, no! They most certainly locked it, I'm sure," Katrina said. "Well, try opening it anyway," suggested the faery.

Katrina did so and the large wooden door opened with ease. "Hooray!" cried Katrina. "Now you must make your bed," the faery insisted.

Katrina went to her bedroom and the faery followed. She made her bed out of clay. The faery took her magick wand and spoke a secret magickal spell. Suddenly Katrina fell into a deep sleep....

....She awoke to find that she had sprouted wings and her fangs were gone! She flew out the window and was carried by wind currents to a magickal world. A prince was waiting for her on his horse. "Come with me," the prince said in a gentle voice. Katrina walked to the prince and he helped her up on the horse. They galloped threw a nearby forest filled with streams and waterfalls and every type of flower you could imagine. The scenery was a fantastic place indeed, and Katrina never wanted to leave.

Soon they arrived at an old well. Katrina and her prince went down the well to seek more adventure. When they found nothing to be down there, the prince proposed to Katrina and she said "Yes." She was lying though. She didn't have a clue if she wanted to marry this guy.

An old cottage appeared before their eyes. An elderly woman was sweeping the porch. "Will you be our priest?" the prince asked the old woman. "I shall if you sweep for me," she replied. The prince agreed and swept. That night the prince and Katrina got married.

Following the event, a rather large dove ate them and Katrina and the prince lived happily ever after inside the dove's warm stomach. THE END
