Fido the Bunny

There once lived a bunny named Fido. Fido the bunny was a very happy bunny. All day he would hop around in the warm sunshine in a big green field. He would eat all the grass and chase the grasshoppers. He had so much fun. Each day he would go to the crystal clear lake in his town and go swimming. Fido liked to swim. He liked to pretend he was a fish. He wanted to be a fish when he grew up. All the time he would watch the little kids doing cartwheels in the field and splashing in the lake. They also liked to pretend they were fish. They would always say to Fido, "Oh! Lookit the bunny! He's so cute!" and them and Fido would play a game of tag. Fido always won because he was a winner. Then he would munch on more grass. Everybody loved Fido because he was cute. Then one day Fido was eaten by a turtle named Fluffy. THE END
