Fred the Box

Once upon a time there lived a box named Fred. Fred was a very unhappy box. He wanted to go rollarskating but he couldn't because his parent/guardian wouldn't let him. They said he was a box and boxes can't rollarskate because they have no feet and you need feet to put on rollarskates. So one day Fred the Box took a couple of sticks and stuck them threw him at the bottom. He was only made of cardboard so it wasn't very difficult. Then Fred the Box bought a pair of rollarskates and he put them on. Now Fred was happier than ever. He could rollarskate! He tried out his rollarskates and he was doing well until he tripped over an ant and crashed into a telephone pole. Just then a little kid riding a scooter ran over Fred and smushed him. Fred died and Fred and the kid both lived happily ever after. THE END