The Full Moon

Note: I have nothing against Catholics (so long as they don't try converting me)...just didn't want to use a witch as the villain...
-a spooky story by H-

I awoke to find myself on a large rock next to an old man's hut in the middle of a camp. The only thing real I could remember was that some Catholic had changed me and my life. I was now a deformed child, beginning my life all over again at the age of 20-something. That fucking bitch. My view perspective was quite different. It was as if my eyes were just outside my body. I could see from all angles at once…but it didn't really matter because like a normal set of eyes, I could only focus on one thing at a time. I could see myself through these eyes and I noticed that the evil Catholic hadn't screwed me up too much, appearance-wise. I mean, it could've been much worse. I appeared to have two missing eyes, but otherwise I looked like myself. I never really liked how my eyes looked anyway, so it didn't really bother me. I did worry about the idea of freaks staring at me all the time for my missing eyes and feeling pity just because I didn't look just like them. I admire beauty such as this-I looked unique without my eyes. My vision was better than ever though. More evolved than the vision of any animal. By thought, I could maximize what I was focusing on, which amazed me. As long as my body was in sight, I could move my view to a different area.

The evil Catholic did completely fuck up my mind, however. And I don't mean personality or anyway. Everything I could recall was fake. All of my past memories were erased and replaced by traumatic events that never even happened. I was aware of what she had done. They did seem as real as my true memories though and it hurt enough for me to want to forget these shit memories altogether. I didn't know my original name, where I came from, what I was doing here. I knew nothing about myself, except that I was changed. My entire life was as good as a lie. I was completely alone in the world. I was as confused as a just-born child and as worried as a dying adult.

I was a bit tired, as I had just woken up still. I wanted to go back to sleep and hoping that the next time I awoke, this Hell would end and I'd awaken to something different. It was early morning and a bit chilly. I grabbed the blanket I was left with on the rock. There were half-alive ants stuck in the fabric. I was a little afraid of ants, and I certainly had no desire to sleep with them. I tried to quickly brush them off, but they were embedded permanently. Then I noticed an army of ants on this side of the rock. I backed away. A tree grew up against the opposite side of the rock, shading it. I almost knocked myself into a giant well-woven spider-web in the branches. A black widow spider was in the centre of the web.

"Watch it! You're about to destroy my web, you big ugly bitch!" yelled the spider.

I turned around and the stupid spider spit at me and got it in my left eye socket. The saliva didn't have much effect on me, and I'm really not sure if it was supposed to. I did shit blood for the rest of the day, however.

Just after, I saw an old man walk out of the hut, next door to the big rock I was on. I didn't know him, he didn't know me. The man had scruffy pure white hair and he was wearing blue overalls with a white shirt underneath. He had a bushy white mustache. He also looked as though his skin hadn't touched water in a week.

"Where did you come from?" he asked. I could see in his eyes that he was not too happy with his company.

"I don't know," I replied, nervously.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Blade, Sir," I answered. This was the name I had remembered. I said it without thinking about it, as if it were my real name. Following my words, I realized how unattractive the name "Blade" is, given to a female, and decided to change it to something a little prettier.

"Blade? That's an interesting name…Are you in some sort of tribe?" he asked.


"What are you doing on my campsite?"

"I didn't know it was yours. I'm sorry, I'll leave."

"Yes! Leave now! You don't belong here, young lady, and I don't know what the hell you are doing here in the first place!" he yelled.

I jumped off the rock and ran away into the woods. Due to past events that never even fucking happened in the first place, I was terrified of this guy and I had the feeling that he was about to come at me with a hatchet. I kept running until I was out of breath. I sat against a tree for a rest. I ate some acorns lying around. Not the easiest things to chew, but they were edible. I noticed a head peaking out of a nearby tree. It was some woman. She blended in almost perfectly with her surroundings. Her skin was the same colour as the trees and she had long, straight stringy hair of deep ebony. Her eyes were a sparkling emerald. She was watching me. I stood up. I wasn't afraid of her, but a bit cautious.

"Who're you?" I asked. The girl unblocked herself from the tree. She was completely naked and completely natural. I mean, she looked like she had never shaven. She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen and I was mesmerized. She had a very depressed look to her face, but lovely in every way.

"I am a lonely forest girl," she replied. Apparently I was in a forest…Forest, woods, I couldn't tell the difference. "And you are…?"

"I'm also a forest girl. Errr…" I said, "I don't know what I am. Nothing at the moment."

"Hmm…you new?"

"Seems that way, yes."

"You have a name?"

"Alana…" I answered…It was the first name that came to mind that wasn't that frickin' ugly name, Blade. I wasn't even sure if Alana was a real name.

"Alana? Good to meet you, Alana. I'm Nagna," said the girl.

I expected Nagna to put out her hand to shake next, but she didn't. I felt bad for her having such a gross sounding name. Nagna? What were her parents thinking? They must've been really drunk when they came up with Nagna.

"Nice to meet you, Nagna," I said.

"You seem like you've been going through a hard time. Do you need any help with anything?" she kindly asked.

"Yeah, actually. I'm completely lost. I don't know how I got here and how to get out of here. I'm completely alone in these woods."

"You want to leave?"

"Sort of…See, I'm better off with my own type of people-"

"I'm not your type?!" she cut me off.

"I mean, I don't know how to survive in these woods."

"Eh, whatever…We can cook marshmallows tonight if you'd like."

I laughed and agreed to it.

Throughout the day Nagna and I talked about possibly everything you can talk about. We had conversations about speckled rocks, about how raisins were created by Satan, about how George Bush is Satan. I felt a little guilty for telling her about my past. I was too afraid to tell her that my past didn't even exist…she'd think I was some lunatic psycho, I'm sure. Nagna was everything I asked for in a person. And she was really hot, too. If only her cunt was filled with fresh semen so I could have her children.

Night came and Nagna and I had out marshmallows. Afterwards, she took me to a lake, which wasn't too far from where we were. It was a lovely site, indeed. I was disappointed that the moon was new as this was the perfect place for gazing. We lay down on the sandy ground. The stars made up for the moonless sky. I had never seen them sparkle so brightly. The milky way was so clear and slurred. It was the most fascinating site. From the corner of my eye I could see moving stars. I couldn't focus on them, which was a bit irritating. They would disappear when I looked at them. They were floating gently threw the trees in the forest. They were so quiet that I figured I was seeing things. Everything about this place was so beautiful that I wanted to cry. I sat up and noticed that Nagna was already asleep…or falling there anyway. I wondered how she didn't get cold at night, but not too much. I closed my eyes. Nothing happened. It was as good as having them open. It was as if my eyelids just didn't exist. I was feeling tired, but I couldn't sleep. I saw a man appear next to Nagna. I tensed up. I didn't even notice him coming. He kneeled down and poured sand over her head. Then he left, paid no attention to me. I poked Nagna and she seemed dead. She was still breathing, though slowly, so I knew she was just in deep sleep. It hit me who that man was and I learned that that fucking asshole Catholic took away my ability to sleep. This upset me entirely. My brain needed rest and I knew I would never dream again. So, I gave up trying to fall asleep and stayed awake the rest of the night. I didn't dare wander anywhere.

Suddenly I felt this sharp pain. I pair of claws slashed my back. I looked behind me and saw nothing. My back felt numb, but in a pleasing way. When I looked back around a figure glided over the lake. It stopped in the very centre of the lake. The figure was of some woman. It was hard to make out the details of her face. Her skin was so white that it glowed like the moon. Her hair was long and black, much like Nagna's, only not. She was dressed in various forms of black lace, which fit her loosely and comfortably. Her strangest feature though were her hands. She had long and skinny fingers and nails like knives, Her nails dripped blood, causing a deep reddish ripple in the dark lake water.

She figured out that I wasn't interested enough to come to her and she came to me instead. She gradually changed colours the closer she came until she was the very opposite of her original colours-black skin, white hair, white lace. The only thing that remained the same was the crimson blood. She was right next to me.

"Come to me, Child," she said to me.

"No…." I was scared out of my mind, but I refused to leave this place.

"Okay, fine," and she stripped off her lace dress and trapped me in it. I tried breaking free, but it was hopeless. She took me in her arms and flew me through a forest. She dragged me down a tunnel in the ground until we arrived outside once again, in a rich family's backyard. She placed me down on the grass.

"Alana, Blade, whatever your name is… I'm just going to leave you here. You're alone again and there's no damn forest people here that are gonna help you. Just some paranoid morons who'll assume that you're some goddamn criminal," said the cruel creature thing.

Then with her knife nail, she cut the lace dress and set me free. She disappeared.

Soon after, the dusk began and there was a lovely purple, red, and yellow sunrise. I was alone though and once again I wanted to escape this mess. The yard was surrounded by a tall gate and I really didn't know how to get out. The yard was pretty much empty of shelter except for a shed. I went to the door of the shed and was surprised that the secure family had their lock undone on the latch. I opened it and two faces looked up at me in fear. Two kids, possibly brother and sister, they looked so similar, snuggling on the floor of the shed. They looked to be about age ten. Neither of them had any clothes on. I was afraid to know what horrible things were done to them. The girl was covered in scars. The boy had pins, normally used for decorating purposes that a sane person would use on clothing, going through his skin all over his body. What struck out the most though was the boy's penis shoved up the girl's vagina. I quickly shut the door and ran off, praying to the God I never believed in that I didn't just see what I saw. It was a horrible sight that I wish to forget. I didn't run far…this fucking goddamn gate was impossible to get over. I went over to the house, or , well, mansion. A window in the basement happened to be opened, with only a screen to keep out the robbers. I ripped the screen with ease with a stick and went inside.

The basement was very plain. It was made of cement. It was very damp and smelled bad. Very much like an ordinary basement, in fact, except for the river flowing in the middle of the floor. A ship was in the river, The river was very shallow and I didn't understand how there was a ship sitting in it. I noticed a book stuck underneath the ship and curiously, I walked through the water and picked it up. I flipped through some of the wet pages. It was the diary of some dead pirate who shot people for gold. It was written in 1320. He complained about how Christopher Columbus is a faerytale and people are shitheads for believing in such nonsense. This seemed to go on for about 20 pages. Uninterested, I threw the book back into the water. Seeking adventure, I climbed aboard the ship. As soon as I stepped on the first step, the ship sailed down the river. The boring basement setting didn't last forever. Outside the basement was just a normal looking river. The ride was pretty smooth and quite dull…'till I hit some waves. Waves and rushing water. I was hoping I wasn't near a waterfall. I found myself going up a steep hill. I didn't question how this worked and accepted it. The ship went into this underground hut in the middle of the big hill. It came very close to ground, where I jumped off the ship.

There were people scattered everywhere. Very short people…none of them went higher than my knee. A number of trees were growing right through the hut. I felt very out of place. I went uphill some more by foot. The short people wouldn't quit looking at me. I don't know if it was my height or because I was eyeless...probably both. Anyway, it freaked me out. On the narrowest path through to hill, a few families insisted on having a picnic right in the middle. Fools.

I was disappointed to learn that there was no exit at the top of the hill. A room was at the top and a tunnel, with the river and ship. My family was waiting for me. I hadn't remembered them and they didn't seem familiar at all. A sister, a mother and father. The parents kept calling me their daughter and my sister acted like such a bitch to me, so I assumed they were my family. What were they doing here though? They wanted to go home with me on the ship. I didn't have anywhere else to go, and unexcited about it, I went along with them. They called me by the name of "Diana," so I guess that was my name.

We arrived at my house. It was a bit small and very plain. The only thing in it was a bed and a closet. There wasn't even a window or a nightstand. I don't know if there was anything in the closet, I didn't care enough to open it. The walls and carpet were dark red and so were the door and closet doors. The only thing that wasn't that deep red was the bed, which was entirely black. I lay on the bed and was shocked to see that at least the ceiling was white. Yep, it didn't match. The room desperately needed some variety though.

I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and found a strange tall, skinny man. I was hoping to not be related to him as he looked like shit.

"Alana?" he said.

"…Can I help you…?" I asked. I had no idea what would come next.

The man punched me in the face, made my nose gush blood and left me only partially conscious and very helpless. He pushed me in the bed, shut the door with a leg. He took a couple of fishhooks out of his pocket and shoved them through my wrists. The pain was so unbearable that I just completely lost use of my hands. The fuckhead stranger left his shirt on, but took off his pants. His ugly dick seem uninterested in my body, and was only concerned with my skull. He made me bite his cock and then he worked his way to my nostrils and I can't believe this idiot actually thought he could get it up there. It had a perfect fit in my eye sockets though and this was the most painful, most disgusting feeling I could ever imagine. It was a splintering toothache in my eye. It felt like he was thrusting a sword through my head. I heard my father coming up the stairs. So did the skullfucker. He took out an unlabeled bottle filled with liquid.

"Here, take these and die, bitch," he told me, and gave me the bottle. He disappeared.

I wanted to end this horrible nightmare, so I listened to the ass. I took the bottle and drank its contents. It tasted like absolute shit. And yes, this was a painful process with the fishhooks still shoved through my wrists, but I managed. The poison didn't work right away…I pulled the fishhooks down, but they weren't positioned the right way and it didn't kill me. My father came into the room and was shocked by the sight. He removed the fishhooks and bound my wrist with friggin' first aid crap. He called the ambulance. I lay on my bed, waiting for the poison to kick in. Just then, Nagna walked into the room.

"Alana!" she spoke.


She walked over to me and we made out. She proposed to me. I didn't really think about it, and truthfully I didn't want to get married just yet. But I agreed to it. I didn't tell her about the poison. It would kill her to know I was dying. I felt so guilty about it. I didn't want to leave her alone. She loved me. Something big could've happened in my life. Happiness. And I waste it, only to hurt the girl I cared about most. I didn't want to die.

Well, the drugs I had taken before all this bullshit happened seemed to finally be wearing off. I noticed a window in my room appear. The wounds on my wrists were healed and an empty bottle of prozac sit on my nightstand. The full moon came early and a flock of crows flew into the window. A woman of every age stood at my door, still as the trees during the witching hour, with a sad look as if she were about ready to cry. The moonlight was so bright and felt as though it was burning my skin away, turning me into nothing more than a bare skeleton. The birds started pecking at me, and continued pecking until the light blew out.