Locus the Friendly Goblin

-a story by H-

There once lived a goblin named Locus. Well, that wasn't his real name but it is in this story to protect his identity. His real name was actually Gobby. Hmm...anyway-Locus lived off of nuts and berries which he gathered himself. Sometimes he would sail down a green stream in the middle of a big old rainforest. It was a very pretty stream even though it was green. He went skiing once.

Locus possessed a magickal power which he could not control. He could change his skin colour simply by thought. So if the colour white ever crossed his mind, he would turn white. Locus worried excessively and he'd always turn the colour he didn't want to turn. He stopped eating one day and he stopped changing colours. Then he died and Mr. Snail, his pal, had a funeral for Locus. Then Mr. Snail buried himself alive and to this day, no one knows why.
