Granny and Alyssa

There once lived an old Grandmother and her daughter, Alyssa, who called her Granny. Alyssa and Granny lived in the Northern Woods in New England. Back then, New England actually had a lot of trees, so there were woods and forests still. There were bears living in Massachusetts even!!

Everyday, Granny and Alyssa would go hiking to a beautiful lake at the peak of a grand hill. At that lake, they would go ice fishing and gather at least 50 lbs. of fresh salmon. They would eat salmon for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They were very healthy with their eating habits, for fish-especially salmon, is quite nutritious! They would leave the bones out overnight so the hyenas and squirrels could eat them. Alyssa and Granny cared very much about the animals in their woodland territory. They were all sacred beings of God and the Earth to them and the animals left wonderous designs of their footprints in the soil in the summertime, and in the snow in the wintertime. Sometimes Alyssa and Granny would follow the fox's tracks, which would always lead them to the den of a fox. On the way, they would gather stones and sticks to use for the campfire. Every night, they would sit by that fire and sing and chant and tell stories about their childhood. Then they would rest deeply in their tent made of owl skin. They would rise early in the morning with the birds and eagles and bake their lovely salmon. In the springtime, they would pick daisies for Mother.

One ice cold winter in April, Granny died. Alyssa was very saddened by this because Granny was only 97 and she was 11 1/2 and she died at such a young age for that time. The people put Granny in a casket. They wouldn't bury Alyssa when she requested that they did. Alyssa had a riot about this since her and Granny had made a deal that they would be buried together. Alyssa caled for war against the people involved in burying Granny. She immediately called for peace the very second the war began because she didn't want to get her head blown off. Granny wouldn't want to see such a sight from heaven.

Alyssa decided to just bury herself with Granny. She really didn't want to break her promise. That very night, with the cold bloody wing slitting her face, she dug up Granny's grave. She saw Granny's glass coffin and a strange craving hit Alyssa! She stared atb Granny's gleaming eyes. "Oh, Granny!" said she, "What beautiful eyes you have!" She noticed her wrinkly stale milky-white ghastly skin. She almost looked alive. Her hair was almost gone, as they did not keep her wig when they layed her in the coffin. Alyssa opened the coffin and with her weak arms, she dragged the corpse out of the grave. She layed Granny on the ground, where one of Grannys hands fell on her private area. Alyssa grinned. She stripped off Granny's raggy looking dress and place the hand back on her private area. She liked how this looked because she was really screwed up...She took Granny's other hand and put it on her (Alyssa's) chest. She had not yet hit puberty, and she knew too. Alyssa was a bit disappointed that she had no breasts for Granny to touch. She grabbed some nearby mangos and stuffed them in her dress. Now she did. She soon got bored though so she threw off her dress too. She tried holding the mangos on, but it wasn't working, so she gave up. She heard a voice. "Welcome to the enchanting realm of necrophelia," said it. This scared Alyssa and made her more paranoid than a really stoned 70-lb. boy. She looked around and saw no one. She shrugged and got on top of Granny. She had so much fun! She had to have had at orgasms with Granny because Granny was so damn good, obviously!

After a while, Granny stopped spitting up guts and blood. This made Alyssa kind of tired and bored, as there was nothing moving threw Granny to make her vibrate slightly and it was Alyssa whowas doing all the work. Alyssas didn't give up and put her back though. Instead, she passed out.

A young scavenger came that night. He thought they were both dead. He ate Granny. He then ate the foot of Alyssa, which awoke her. "ACK!!" she yelled. He apologized for his mistake and left. She was a bit upset that he had eaten Granny for now she couldn't mate with her anymore. She was bored as hell without Granny.

Alyssa's eye caught the mangos. "Hmm..." she thought. She raped the fruit and I don't know the name of that kind of person, so the deep voice didn't come back. Oh well...The sun rose and Alyssa rushed home with the 2 mangos. She forgot about her dress somehow. She didn't want to be seen because she looked like a psycho who had slaughtered about 20 people with Granny's blood and guts oozing all over her. Lots of people did see her though and they stared, of course. But they didn't do anything about it because she was so young and she just HAD to be innocent. She continued raping the plentiful mangos in the tent. They were big and round and pleasing to her. She enjoyed fucking the dead people and mangos so much that she decided to have a career doing that stuff when she grew up. She stuck with this goal and later she became a professional prostitute for dead people, fruits, and dead animals. Instead of asking for money, she'd ask for clothes, juice, and skin. Flesh was another option when she didn't have much energy. She fucked trees just for fun during her spare time. She enjoyed her life so much. She's possible the only human who actually ever enjoyed life. One day she died. She hated death as it was boring to screw the dead now. She wanted to fuck herself too....THE END
