H's Website

Welcome to this pleasing site. This site would be better if my scanner didn't decide to stop working right around summer vacation....
Choose your destination:
Cult of Doom!
Interview with the H
View/Sign my Guestbook
Help save the rainforest

All the material on this site is by me, H. If you really feel the need to plagiarise me (I have no idea why you would want to), could you at least email me first and ask/let me know to sue you? Thanks.

Recent Updates:
September 13, 2002: My site's been moved. Same layout because I don't know enough HTML to change it, different colours, more space, no ads, faster server, still free, and everything's up to date: http://www15.brinkster.com/goddessh/ I'll probably put up a redirection link when I learn how.

Sunday, June 30, 2002: I am excited to announce that I am leaving Angelfire and moving this site. Angelfire's decided to rip me off 30 megs and expecting me to pay them for these free 30 megs they promised me years ago. I'm a little, okay, VERY fed up with them and I've really had enough. They haven't satisfied me in any way. I'm planning on my new host to be Brinkster. They're offering me 30 free megs (as opposed to Angelfire's left over 20 megs) and is ad-free! It's all good. I plan to take out all the crap on my site and fix it up, change the look a bit and all. It will have the same crap on it though because I really don't have anything new worth putting on and my scanner's long dead, so that's no fun. This will probably take the whole summer to complete, but I will surely make the happy announcement when it's ready for show! For now, we all must put up with the complete suckiness of Angelfire. Sorry.
Monday, May 6, 2002: Mock vampire-wannabe morons (and the like). Join me and Ammie's evil Cult of Doom!!
Wednesday, April 10, 2002: Added a Frequently Asked Questions!

I made a banner! I don't like it...you can't read it and I have this hatred for banners anyway. I can't figure out why I created it.

email me: squattingdarkling@yahoo.com
I will occasionally reply. Most likely when I'm drunk. My screen name on AOL is embley02 if you feel like IMing me. I will not do your homework for you. ICQ # is 33400324 and yahoo messenger is squattingdarkling. Yep...I have no life...That is all. Sign my guestbook too, it's required.
**Note: Angelfire sucks. Please don't get a website hosted by them.