The Female Satyr

a story by H

There once lived a satyr named Lemon. Lemon was the most beautiful satyr in the world. She looked almost like the author. She even played the flute. But Lemon was a bum and her flute was made of nothing but wood and holes. She was against sacrificing trees for entertainment, so I don't quite understand.

Umm, anyway, Lemon was kinda sad because almost nobody believed she existed. She got rather annoyed that not many people believed in satyrs and those who did didn't believe in the females just because mythology, written by dense humans, says they aren't real. So Lemon wrote a myth about herself. I've no idea what it was about, but you can ask Lemon and she'll tell you. Lemon tried getting a birth certificate, but they wouldn't give it to her cuz the damn bitch certificate oeioke wouldn't believe she was real. She tried changing the Bible and science books a little, but it still didn't work because the Christians either just didn't understand it at all or took her as a demon and the scientists just didn't know what a satyr was. So, instead, Lemon took over the world and made all the humans her slaves. Except for one, an elferly man whom she made her sex slave. He didn't mind. She treated the cats like kings and gave them each a human mouse to devour. I'm not in a writing mood, can you tell? Lemon shaved once and she thought it looked nasty, so she stopped. And that gross fat naked lady who lives on the beach in Rio, she got strangled by a giant squid. The End
