Interview with Me

Ammie made up the questions.

Q. What's your name?

H: H if you haven't guessed already...

Q. If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
H:I'd be one of those monkeys that live in the mangrove I think, that do nothing but have sex. I'd be of the male species too so I don't have to worry about anything.

Q. If you were alone with the person of your choice, what form of medieval torture would you use, who would it be (option), and why?
H: The box thing with the maneating rats, because rats are cute. Or the iron maiden so I could bathe in the blood and retain my youth. I'd be with this fucking asshole, Will, who does nothing but ruin everyone's lives.

Q. Besides Edgar Allen Poe, what other poets do you like?
H: Wau

Q. Who are some of your favorite artists (not music)?
H:Edward Gorey, Brian Froud, Jhonen Vasquez, Johanna Ost, Dave McKean, and Liselotte Eriksson

Q. Who are some of your favorite artists (music)?
H: Tori Amos, Love Spirals Downwards, Delerium, Ani DiFranco, Faith & the Muse... check out the music section if you're actually interested in this shit..

Q. Who are some of your least favorite bands/groups?
H: N'Sync, 98 degrees, Ricky Martin, Britny Spears, Christina Alguiera (or however the fuck you spell it), Spice Girls, etc, etc....

Q. What was the worst movie you saw?
H: "Some guy's Vampires". They were being very ignorant about Vampires. Titanic also sucked, but the irish jig part was cool.

Q. Do you have a song stuck in your head right now?
H: I don't. I don't usually have anything stuck in my head actually. My mind is usually very quiet and colourful.

Q. What are the names of the people in your head?
H: .......................

Q. What's the weirdest/sickest thing you ever ate?
H: The weirdest thing I've ever eaten is buttered rice. It's yummy. The worse thing I've ever had is my first batch of homemade cookies. They tasted like pure salt with some flour mixed in. They tasted worse than champaign even.

Q. If you had to listen to ONE song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
H: I'd rather not listen to any at all rather than one song over and would drive me more nuts. "Bachelorette" by Bjork is my favourite song, but I'd still rather kill myself than have to listen to it over and over again until I finally die. I've got a long way to go. Yeppp....very long...much too long actually. *yawn*

Q. If you were a school lunch what would you be?
H: The turkey because it's really dogfood pretending to be people food.

Q. If you could be any inanimate object what would you be?
H: a twig so I could be the home to squirrels and birds. I like animals.

Q. Potatoes: fried, baked, mashed, or raw?
H: mashed

Q. If you had to either swim in electric eel infested water or walk on a porcupine, what would you choose?
H:the electric eel one. I like eels a lot. They're so funny looking. And people don't know the difference between hedgehogs and porcupines. They aren't even related and they don't even look related, so people are just so stupid. It's like they never even care to flip past the Discovery Channel because they're so terrified of being educated. School just ruins interests for all Americans.

Q. Which describes you the best: fish eater, rhinestone cowboy, a troll, or exotic dancer?
H: an exotic dancing troll. I'm really sexy and I love trolls. My hair is kinda messy too.

Q. If you could make up a holiday, what would it celebrate (and think of something more interesting than your b-day) and when would it be?
H: Anarchy Day should take the place of President's Day.

Q. What would you rather be eaten by: a cow, rabid rats from Iceland, a cute fluffy bunny?
H: They would all be good, mysterious ways to die. But I want to go to Iceland, so I would like to go to Iceland and get eaten by the rats. I'd die happily at least cuz I'd get to go to Iceland, so there.

Q. If you could plan out how you wanted to die, what would you do? Be creative!
H: Move to Iceland and go on a massive search for rabid rats and freeze to death while doing so. Oh wait....I'm 'pose to be creative? Shit...guess I got that one wrong. I'm not very creative. Really...I have no imagination whatsoever. It's so much stress to even try and be creative. I think I'll go redecorate *runs away in tears*

Q. why?
H: Hey, what the fuck! You asked!!! Don't question me, alright?! God. You little-

Q. Do you believe in faeries?
H: Yeah. Just because I live in dirty America doesn't mean they aren't real.

Q. If there was a boxing match: Jesus vs. Buddha, who would you put your money on?
H: Buddha. Jesus looks like a wimp.

Q. If the person who annoyed you the most were an animal, what would they be and why?
H: She would be a human so I could impregnate her and she could give the most painful birth. Then I'd murdur her and humans are such wimps that it would be nice. Look what pigs have to go threw everyday. Does anyone care?

Q. Make up a word, what does it mean?
H: Muderlockazella, it means "a small dish consisting of mixed cheese and mud"

Q. What is the first thing you notice about a person?
H: I don't notice people. The only reason why I even know they're there is because of the tension in my muscles and brain.

Q. If you could wish for one thing, what would it be?
H: I'd change my skin colour to metallic emerald.

Q. What is the best book you ever read?
H: American Gods, by Neil Gaiman. Without a doubt.

More annoying: people who constantly giggle or people who play football?
H: They are the reason why I hate both species of humans: the males and females. They are equally annoying.

Q. Do you honestly care who wins the Super Bowl?
H: what super bowl? I don't even care to ask that actually...No, I didn't ask, what're you talking about?

Q. Do you know who's even playing?
H: They've already played and I still don't have a clue.

Q. What are your favorite song lyrics?
H:Oh, Oh! I know this one!! Umm........well.....yeah, I haven't a clue.

Q. What is your favorite comic/magazine?
H: "i feel sick" by God...errr, uh Jhonen Vasquez

Ok, that's the end of this interview, but here's some extra basic info about me that people wonder about people. The obvious easy questions:
location: a scarey lifeless town in Massachusetts where there's only one type of mind and all others are endangered.
Damn good fucked up movies: Mulholland Drive, Lord of the Rings, Shrek, Akira, Requiem for a Dream, Princess Mononoke, Naked, Run Lola Run, Ninja Scroll, Edward Scissorhands, Being John Malkovich, Clerks, Magnolia, A Clockwork Orange, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Fight Club, The Dark Crystal, Sleepy Hollow, American History X, But I'm a Cheerleader....the list goes on and grows.
Deity writers: Edward Gorey, Neil Gaiman, Jhonen Vasquez
Good tv shows: Cowboy Bebop, Invader ZIM, Lonely Planet, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Sealab 2021, The Simpsons, and Iron Chef...But really, I hardly ever watch TV.
Personailty: ok, which one do you want to hear of?
Fears: socializing
Hobbies:playing the flute, drawing, reading, writing, moping around, obsessing over everything, daydreaming, blahhhhhh who the hell's actually reading this.

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