
-Late morning. In a swampy green place with a lot of plants. There were large trees with elevators made out of sticks and vines built into them. There were bridges like you'd find in a jungle type movie. Streams ran everyweher as did waterfalls. There was a cleared pathway surrounding the area, leading in many different directions and to each elevator entrance. The place itself was pretty tiny. She walked a little bit a passed by a line of bushes. When she got near the end, an old goat jumped out of the bushes popping his upper body only out. He was pissed. His lips were bright red as if he had carbon monoxide poisoning or something. "No one will believe you if you told them about me!" he said to the girl, angrily. He jumped out of the bushes and chased the girl. The girl ran into one of the elevators and went all the way up. She arrived in an area of white stuff. Clouds maybe?

-Very early morning, darkness. A hint of blue in some areas. The girl was asleep in her room. The aliens came threw the window and did experiments on her. The end. Yay!

-afternoon. Monica drops six orange tic tacs on the floor.

-Night. The girl was in a plastic surgery lab with some famous people. Her and some guy went skinny dipping in a pool that looked like a giant toilet.

-April 14, 1999: Daytime. The girl was late for school because her pants fell apart. They were shredded like someone had taken a knife and tried murduring her pants. School. It looked like a huge mall in a few centuries from now. It was dark, the lights were off, but there were some on. The elevators were lit up, there were colours like laser-beans as decoration lights. She couldn't find the room she was supposed to be in. She went down a strange elevator and went to some tan coloured room. Her mother and brother were in the room. She sat down at the table and ate frozen yogurt and waited for the office to give her a late pass.

-Evening. The girl and her friend were in a war. Becky captured them for a day to pretect them. They were fighting against the Amish and Becky was Amish. They didn't want to fight against the Amish because they were never even against the Amish, but they were forced. There was a little girl lying on her back, begging them not to kill her. They didn't kill her, nor did they want to.

-Afternoon. Sister, Cat, and teacher got cancer and died. They had a funeral for the cat near the fireplace and strange new age music played in the background.

-Daytime. The family bought a dark pink volkswagon and told the car dealers to leave out the floormats because they didn't want anyone to steal them.

-April 20, 1999: Nightime. Sex in a big dark room with a bed.

-April 21, 1999: Daytime. The girl got gummy worms.

-May 30, 1999: Daytime. Two people the girl knows got married. It was spooky

-Late night. The girl and Ammie snuck out of the house at like 2 am to go see a movie.

-Entry Auust 27, 1999: Afternoon. A boy and his father were having a picnic on a hill. The sky was blue with a few clouds. It was mid spring. The grass was a perfect green. She knew the boy's mother was dead. The boy and father spoke a little while and then they mentioned his dead mother.

-February 4, 2000: Afternoon. She got $10.

-February 6, 2000: Later morning. A green place with a wooden bench. The girl arrives and is excited to see a gorgeous faery. She had been waiting for a long time to see a faery and this was her first. The faery's name was Altrina and she had a white dress with gold trim and shredded glisteningwhite wings. She had long straight blonde hair that was partially pulled back and big blue eyes. Altrina seemed friendly and smiled a lot. She was about 4 1/2 feet tall. She led the girl down the path to the door to Faeryland. The door was a small square wooden door inside a square stone thing coming out of the green grass. The girl asked Altrina if she was trying to capture me. She laughed and said "no". The girl opened the door and entered. She arrived in a large bright red basement, with cushioned walls. There she found her friend, worried that they were going to capture her, There was another faery gaurding Faeryland. She had brown hair and a shimmery blue dress. Her wings were like that of a fly's. The new faery made a joke about capturing the girl and her friend just to freak them out. The friend got more worried.

-Entry March 16, 2000: Afternoon. The girl was in a small class room with yellow walls. Her tapes were missing. A pegasus came and took the girl on it's back. Thy flew into a big place beneath the classroom, into a dungeon type place. There was one large cage with thick bars. Inside the cage was a short fat satyr. The girl jumped from shelf to shelf down to the bottom of the room made of stone. She was angry at the satyr for stealing her tapes. The satyr got angry and claimed that he didn't steal them. He started singing a song about how he gets blamed for everything and how he didn't steal the tapes and he shouldn't be the one to get locked up in the cage.

-April 21, 2000: Night. The girl was in a hotel place with about six queen sized beds. In each bed layed a fraud or something from a trick. They all looked familiar to the girl, yet she had never seen any of them. One bed layed a dummy girl with long matted brown hair. She looked like a very fake cheap dummy doll. The next bed there was a scrub girl, who was also a dummy. In the next bed, was a gorilla man. He wasn't a dummy, he was in a gorilla costume though. There was a female with him, also disguised. She might've not been there in the first place though. The girl got the feeling that the scarey ape man was the voices. The girl told him to unfold himself, but then she awoke for no reason. The ape guy was an asshole.

-April 21, 2000: Night. A hotel type place with a aquare bed that was to fit six animals and each animal had it's own spot. The girl had her own spot, but someone told her that she couldn't have that space because it's someone else's. A cat's. There were no other spaces left.

-April 21, 2000: Night. Kitchen. The girl and Maggie were at the girl's house. They were getting ready to go to bed. Maggie kept telling her to go to bed because they had to. Maggie fed her an uncooked cinnamon pop tart in the kitchen and the girl decided to have another. She hesitated because of the gelatin, but she almost did anyway. The voices yelled at her and she told him that she didn't really stop eating gelatin, she just sort of did.

-April 21, 2000: Night. The girl was in the kitchen with her sister. They were about to go to bed. The girl took out a box of toaster things and they were all smushed flat. She hesitated to eat one because they looked like shit and because of the gelatin.

-April 21, 2000: Night. The girl's toothbrush was really dirty. It was covered in shit. The girl tried washing it off, though not even planning on using that brush ever again. She kept putting it in the spot that made it dirty and she kept putting it down in that spot. There was no other space for it. She wakes up paranoid because of the scarey voices.

-April 21, 2000: Afternoon. The girl was in a cafeteria with tables like a porch table, with yellow umbrellas. She accidentallyalmost ate a chicken nugget as if she forgot that she wasn't supposed to. She forgot everything. She did not swallow the chicken nugget because she realized that she was a vegetarian.

-April 21, 2000: Afternoon. The girl was in the same cafeteria, at a different table. A wooden table without a whole lot of light. It seated about eight or so people. The girl across from her passed out. All but the girl seemed to make such a huge deal out of it. The girl didn't care that much though. She stayed completely calm while everyone else had like a heart attack over it. The passed out girl was white and her lips were bright red.

-April 21, 2000: Evening. In a large auditorium at a long table that seated a lot of poeple. Mr. Battles told everyone before he told the girl that she was going to do a solo.

-April 21, 2000: Afternoon. The girl switched a cd in her cd player

-April 23, 2000: Late afternoon. The girl's family was selling land. Someone with three bratty lods wanted to put a swingset in their backyard by a lake. The girl ran inside to cry, but there was no room in the house where she could be alone. There were a bunch of idiot kids from the girl's high school. They had a stupid ass party at the girl's house and all she wanted was to be alone because she didn't want other people taking over.

-April 23, 2000: Afternoon. The girl and her mother went to a crowded cafteria. The place itself was rather small and there was a TV set. They didn't have any pizza. They had nothing of any acceptance to the girl. They were showing some corny movie on the TV. There were a lot of little posters and shit on the walls. There were a bunch of islands and bitchy cafeteria ladies at the cashiers who acted like the old teachers at the girl's school. They all tried to rush you and you were very limited time.

-April 23, 2000: Night. Kitchen. The girl's sister had burnt her hand badly on the stove. Her face had some red marks.

-April 24, 2000: Mid morning-evening. The girl's sister's friend was giving away her hamster. She gave it to the girl's sister and the sister told the girl to hold it for her and take him home. The hamster slept in your hand and he was cute. Only all the hamster wanted to do was get away. He got away in the sister's friend's house and nobody really cared but the girl. He didn't really come back, but he returned to the girl's pocket of her jacket and slept. He escaped again in the sister's friend's car and he disappeared.

-April 27, 2000: morning. The Zavari's quit.

-April 28, 2000: Late evening. The girl and and some friends went to a mall. The lighting was dim. They went to a store with a couple of really nice faery posters. The girl didn't buy them because she was too lazy to. She didn't really have any space on her walls to put them up and she hesitated. They went outside the store abd there was an huge fishtank built into the wall of the store with two mermaids swimming in them. They looked identical. They had long wavey blonde hair and their fins were some dark pink, tropically colour, but perhaps they were red. They went down the hall. They emt some other friends. They told them about the mermaids and then out of nowhere, one friend said that if you dream about a hanging dead person outside your window, then it's a sign of the dragon.

-April 29, 2000: early morning-late night: The girl was in a huge mansion place that was a boat. She was in a room with a few other people and they were sailing to this place that they had to find. It was like a game. The girl found a secret passage that you could go threw and you ended up where they were going. She had to be careful though so that she wouldn't get caught. She explored the mansion and she saw a huge staircase that went up really high. She's been here before. Repeat, repeat, repeat. There were two people from drama in the room next door to the room with the passage. She wasn't allowed to be seen by them. They're stupid. They weren't really guarding anyplace, but she knew she would get yelled at by them if they saw her, even though she had a damn good reason to be there. They would never listen if she even tried telling them. They didn't catch her. The two square things that you had to go threw to get to were like two glass windows. They were both identicxal and they both had a broken piece that was missing. She went threw the broken piece and ended up outside. Late night/very early morning. The girl was in this screwed up nintendo type place. This was the place that everyone was trying to find. They sailed to this place because she knew that no one would listen if she told them an easier way, as if they weren't supposed to use the secret passage way. They had to find this snowman thing that they had to kill. He was in this big shelter cave thing in the middle of a swamp. The girl went over the bridge into the place and kileld him. She went onto the next level. Repeat, repeat. Everyone found the place they had to be, only the girl couldn't remember how to get inside. Bill was on a round hill thing nearby and he told us how to get there. The wind blew. He kept talking to the girl for some fucked up reason because he liked her. They got inside and the demonized snowman was inside. The girl couldn't remember how to kill him. The snowman threw blue, green, and white snowballs at them. They were like ice and they had to catch them and throw them at him to kill him. The girl's first shot hit him, but he didn't get hurt. He never got hurt when someone threw a snowball at him, even though he was supposed to. After the girl's first throw, her throw and catch got very weak. She could hardly throw or catch now. It was like she had lost every muscle in her body. Then she remembered that you had to kill him with a spear. She threw a spear at him. Her throw was still weak, but she managed to hit him. She went and stood right next to him and hit him the second and last spear. He died. They all got onto the next level. My wrist and thumb hurts....

-Night. The girl was in the spirit world. All her soul mates glowed. No one except for one in the dining room glowed.

-May 5, 2000: Very early morning: The girl astral travel's into her brothers room. She slipped threw under the door and it looked as if the door was going to fall over on her. It felt as if she was really there. As if her mind and senses had left her body and stayed with her.

-May 14, 2000: Night. The girl and her friend were walking down a sidewalk and there was a kid lying dead on the road. It looked like his head had fallen off and there was blood everywhere. His intestines were coming out of his stomach. Some people were there staring. The girl stepped in some blood by accident. Her and her friend stepped off to the side on some grass. Suddenly the dead kid awoke and started screaming. Everyone was shocked that he was still alive. He was dicapitated when he was dead, but he wasn't when he started moving. Him, the girl, and her friend were in the hosital or grocery store with the kid. The girl pretended that she could actually feel his pain. -May 14, 2000: Daytime. The Faery Queen gave someone a couple of faery friends. The girl saw them too.

-May 16, 2000: Afternoon. People kept giving the girl's friend all these pets. The friend ended up getting two hedgehogs, two rabbits, and a guinea pig. The girl felt very jelous of her hedgehogs and she felt that her friend was neglecting her other guinea pig and her cat. She felt that her friend wasn't responsible enough to take care of her new pets. -May 16, 2000: Night. The girl found an antique thing belonging to her brother in her room. It was annoying and stupid and she hated it.

-May 16, 2000: late evening. The girl and the rest of the music department were on a trip to Orlando and they were in this dark building. They were going to perform there later on. There were two rooms. An entrance, which was a pretty small room with a counter and a bench. The next room was much bigger than the first, but still a bit small. There was a big square pool in the middle, which was covered witha pool cover because it was closed. On the sides of the walls were storage areas for the instruments. That was on the right side...There were two exits on the left side. One led to a playground and the other to just outside. They were completely separated by a wall. They entered this place and they stood in the second room and listened to the speaker. The girl's flute got knocked out of her hand and slid across the room. She got all scared because she had no idea where it went. The speaker was still speaking and she wondered around the room trying to find her flute. A group from another school were lying in a corner with two girls making out. She looked everywhere for her flute and she couldn't find it. Then some girl who the girl had never seen grabbed her and her and her friends laughed at the girl. They kept making fun of the girl and dragging her around with them. She called out to Mr. Battles for help, but he didn't seem to care because it didn't seem like a big deal to him and he didn't understand. At this time, most of the people in the room had gone outside. They took the girl into the entrance room and started hitting her and stuff for no reason. She escaped somehow and ran to where all the storage areas for the cases were. She looked threw those to find her flute, trying hard yo noy be seen by the stupid people. She was grabbed by the bitch again and her other bitch friend tagged along. She trucked the girl to her mom, in the first room. Her mom was a big blob with a sweatshirt and jeans on. The mother was sitting on the bench. The mother started yelling at the girl because the girl wasn't on her daughter's side. The girl was in the big room now with only one girl from the music department. Her name was Beth. The girl asked Beth where the bitch went and she said she went outside to play on the slide. The girl askeed if she knew where her flute was, but she didn't. The girl checked to pool to see if it had fallen in. The cover was off now and the water was so dark that you couldn't tell how deep it was at all. She was about to dive in.

-May 17, 2000: Night. The irl got a hedgehog and all he wanted to do was eascape. He escaped easily threw the bars of his cage. JHe was like a hamster only he could slip threw much easier. It was impossible to keep him anywhere.

-Entry May 30, 2000: The girl had a kid and no one cared. The kid disappeared and she couldn't find him.

-June 13, 2000: some time of day. The girl slices Jake's stomach open and chops off his head. Everyone got mad at her because it was impolite.

-June 27, 2000: Morning. The Hallahans were going on vacation and they asked the girl to hold their paper for 20 days.

-Entry June 27, 2000: some time of day. The girl's sietr got these pills that made you pregnant, You got a variety of animals. The girl's stomach grew with her sister's because it was supposed to. The sister had three kids and then she decided to have six birds.

-July 2, 2000: late night. Wau came to some Shakespeare play and there was some car. The theatre was nice. It was partially inside.

-July 2, 2000: Afternoon. Pussy Fats talked. He wanted to sleep on the girl's bed, but she hesitated because he kept bleeding. She let him anyways. He died a couple of times. She had to treat him like a sick, fragile, old man.

-sometime of day. Wau. The end

-Entry July 21, 2000: Evening. The girl's friend had invited her over to her house. The friend's mother warned her daughter to never turn itno her and start smoking. The firend told her "too late. I already have" and whipped out a cigarette. "Cool, can I try?" asked the girl. The friend's mother got so pissed at the girl that she locked her up inside a room with yellow walls and handed her a phone. She told the girl to call her parents and tell them that she was kicking her out of her house, and to tell them why.

-July 21, 2000: Afternoon. The girl's brother stole a whole carload of pig intestines from McDonalds. The girl's father chases him in a police car in a high speed chase. He caught him and yelled at him. The brother left because he didn't care and he wanted to steal more pig intestines from McDonalds. He took the girl with him so that the father didn't smash his car.

-July 21, 2000: Afternoon. The girl ate a chicken nugget because she didn't realize that it wasn't fake.

-late evening. There were some keys missing on the piano that the girl didn't have. It was over there.

-Entry July 24, 2000: Afternoon or evening. The girl went to The Mother's Milk and there were two McDonalds machines that did stuff. If you stuck a coin in you could make it do a bunch of shit. The things in the machines moved and stuff. It was stupid.

-Entry July 24, 2000: Night. A cat that looked just like the girl's stripey csat got into her house. The gray cat was sitting outside, waiting to get in like the striped one does. She let him in. She found a baby skunk and an opposum in the kitchen, coming in from a small opening next to the dishwasher. She picked them up and told them that she had to bring them back outside or her father would have a fit. The animals got angry.

-July 27, 2000: Night. Two striped cats. The gray one was sitting at the door waiting to get in. She let him in and a bunch of other gray cats came, all the same.

-July 27, 2000: Afternoon-Night. The girl went to english class in a room and the school was the same as the other fantasy that the girl never wrote down cuz she's stupid. They were doing a report. Everyone got to borrow an animal from the english teacher (who was a bitch, by the way). The girl was doing the hedgehog, so she got to keep a hedgehog that looked just like Kira. She went home. Her room was this old and dusty place that looked like someone's attic. She was afraid she'd get her two hedgehogs mixed up and she didn't know where to put the new Kira (who was a girl too.) The new Kira actually was a little bit bigger than Kira and she had big ears that were a f*cked up shape. She was very tame. She found Kira, who looked just like Hedgie. She had cuts on her nose and she didn't want to go back.

-Entry August 7, 2000: Evening. Mother, brother, and grandmother tried to force feed sister a ton of cookies because she was acting like a bitch all the time. They let her free because they were nice. Then they went to the elections. Sister and friend sat near each other and girl came to sit next to friend. Sister got pissed and yelled at girl. Friend made fun of girl. Girl got mad at friend and she tried apologizing but girl wouldn't accept it.

-Afternoon. The girl and her family went to King Richards Faire. There was a room that they could go to with a big pool of water and inner tubes. You got to watch TV. It was like a ride and the inner tubes went around the pool quickly. They left the inner tube place and they saw Ammie and an aquaintance.

-Afternoon. Repeated. The girl and her family went to King Richards Faire. There was a room that they could go to with a big pool of water and inner tubes. You got to watch TV. It was like a ride and the inner tubes went around the pool quickly. They left the inner tube place and they saw Ammie and an aquaintance.

-Entry August 16, 2000: Afternoon. almost repeated. The girl and her family went to King Richards Faire. There was a room that they could go to with a big pool of water and inner tubes. You got to watch TV. It was like a ride and the inner tubes went around the pool quickly. They left the inner tube place and they saw Ammie and Wau.

-Entry August 22, 2000: Night-Daytime. The girl was invited into the Cotter's house to play Zelda. There was a male kid about the girl's age, who she was to compete against. It started off as a video game. She played Zelda and she had to either beat up or race against the kids character. The girl doesn't really remember. Her character was off the screen most of the time. Somehow it turned into a live action game and she had to get something to a certain place before the kid did. She got whatever it was that she had to get and ran out of the house. She sung from the bottoms of the stairs in the garage and landed. She ran out and arrived in a sunny area with green bushes and a path threw the tall grass. She went partially down the path and moved onto the next.

-Entry August 22, 2000: Daytime-Late evening. The path led to a house, which look similar to her brother's inside. It was much more empty and it wasn't really his house. My hands are cold. Her father was there and he was telling her that he was going to go somewhere. She went up the stairs into a room. The carper was an orangish-brown colour and the walls were off-white, maybe. There was nothing in this room but a black cord lyining on the floor. She picked up Pussy Fats and she went nose to nose with him and said, "nosy nosy nosy!" The cat repeated in a muppety kind of voice. The girl didn't care about how stupid this was because he wasn't really Pussy Fats and he's just an illusion. She did whatever she wanted with him because she knew he was fake and so she couldn't really waste her time with her deceased pet because it wasn't him.

-August 22, 2000: Night. Cast party. Stupid persun who the girl doesn't like bought some weed to the party and he let other people have it too. It was like an unlimited supply of weed. Everyone but girl's annoying friend had some. Annoying friend got pissed at the girl for eating it because annoying friend didn't understand things. It didn't taste like anything even though it was not in brownies. Everyone had to get home but no one could drive because they were all too high to be able to and they were stupid. The girl called up Mother to come pick her up. She did. She asked what they did at the party. The girl told her innocently that there was a lot of weed and alcohol and it wasn't that great. The girl tried hard not to let her know that she was stoned. The mother knew though. They kept driving and they got stopped by a cop. He said that she went threw a stop sign and he had to give her a ticket for three million dollars. The mother thought this was insane and argued with the cop. The mother said something to the girl to proove to her that the girl was stoned and she got pissed...

-Entry August 23, 2000: Afternoon. The girl was going down the pond path and the church was turning it into a zoo place. There were elephants and rhinos and some other obvious zoo animals. There was an ostrich that kept biting the girl and she had to hold its beak shut in order to get him to knock it off. She ran home, which was her brother's house and she grabbed Po so that he didn't escape and get attacked by the animals. There were animals in his house too, maybe.

-August 23, 2000: Afternoon. Twice repeated. The girl was going down the pond path and the church was turning it into a zoo place. There were elephants and rhinos and some other obvious zoo animals. There was an ostrich that kept biting the girl and she had to hold its beak shut in order to get him to knock it off. She ran home, which was her brother's house and she grabbed Po so that he didn't escape and get attacked by the animals. There were animals in his house too, maybe.

-Entry August 26, 2000: some time of day. Innocent brother went to jail and he escaped to visit the family. They went threw a repeated dream. There was a place with a huge doorway just outside of the jail with some snow on the ground. There were people from drama in various places there/ They went threw another place, which was some scary factory place with wheels and stuff. "I guess that;s what that dream meant" thought the girl. They went into his cell. The girl felt bad for him because the only form of entertainment he could ever get was reading the newspaper, all about the criminals in the country. Moments after they got into the cubicle, the lady keeping guard said that they could go. She gave no reason, she just let them out of pity.

-September 2, 2000: Night. Mallory asked if she could come over. She did. There was no plot really.

-September 2, 2000: Evening maybe: The girl found sheets with Jhonen Vasquez art on them. They kicked ass.

-September 2, 2000: some time of day. Something about Wau, but the girl does not remember.

-September 2, 2000: some time of day. Father didn't listen.

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