More Fantasies-yay!!

-September 4, 2000: The girl and some people were in a room. They were taking the MCAS and then a little termite scampered around the room. He was pink and had long legs and he was really fast. He reminds me of the satan bug I saw once...The girl was the only one in the room who freaked out about the scarey insect. Everyone but the girl finished their exam, but the girl had only gotten three questions finished because of the scary pink termite. She didn't have the heart to kill it and she was too afraid to anyway. He was a big bug and would be tough to smush it and plus you'd get bug guts all over everything anyway. When the test session was over, they left. The place was a very old mansion type place. They each had their own bedrooms, which looked old and elegant. The girl's room was small. She got dressed. She knew she was dreaming. She walked to the pond. They turned the pond into a pool. She was very angry by this. There were tons of people in the pool and there was a bunch of algea on the bottom. She knew it wasn't real and now she doesn't understand why she was so pissed about it. She got bored of the dream because it felt like it was lasting forever and she was getting tired of dreaming about the pond. She tried to wake up. She couldn't. She couldn't sense her physical body and now it felt real. She turned insane. She told this guy that she was dreaming and that she somehow transported her whole body there. He looked at her strangely because she was nuts. She turned around and there was a moose game going on. People were trying to attack the mooses, sorta like in a bullfight, only not quite as brutal. There were two female mooses and a baby. The baby was adorable, but the girl's dream ended when she saw him because he's cute.

-entry September 14, 2000: Ashley was in it. She's stupid.

-entry September 14, 2000: these foreigners came to my house. They were idiots too.

-September 23, 2000: The girl got a kitten. She looked similar to Po, but she wasn't Po. She turned into a black and white kitten some how. She was cute. the girl's mom agreed to let her keep her because she found out something good about female cats.

-September 26, 2000: Some people came over and the girl's room was a mess. The house was weird.

-entry September 26, 2000: the girl and her pal were on a school bus going somewhere. He was supposed to get married to some girl, but he didn't. Instead he married some other girl from her school. Jill or something. She was concerned about him. He got off the bus. She went off the bus and was stopped by some other girl from drama. She said she wasn't allowed to see him because bad things would happen. She didn't listen and went anyway. She went to where he was and he said things weren't going too well with his new wife. He didn't really like his wife. She sensed he was going to say something of importance, but then it ended.

-entry October 1, 2000: The girl could make Pussy Fats' spirit appear whenever she wanted. Pussy showed her a purple thing under the couch. It belonged to her father. It was like this Indian rug thing made out of cotton with some strange design on it. Who knows what the hell it was supposed to be. Pussy gave her a Spooks kitten. She hugged Pussy on her mother's bed and told him that she missed him.

-entry October 1, 2000: a voice told her what water symbolized. She repeated to herself numerous times so that she'd remember when she awoke. Did it work? No!

-October 1, 2000: The girl dyed her hair red, but it didn't really come out. It was like this off whitish colour with random spots of reddish, blue, yellow, and pink. It looked pretty sick. Her hair was also much shorter than it really is. Like shoulder length. They had to make floats. She forgot about it and forgot about it the year before too. She had a lovely idea for a float, but she was in a rush. Her and her aquaintance were in a building. They went in s gold glass elevator and the music teacher was looking out at them in another window. She waved. He just kept staring.

-October 12, 2000: Night. She was walking down the path of the pond and there was a big blakc and brown grizzly bear in the pond. He looked fake, but she was afraid of him anyhow. She's had bad experiences in her sleep here.

-October 12, 2000: Night. In there girl's neighborhood, there was a mad lunatic raccoon running around. He came near her and she was too afraid to run away and she didn't want to run because it was probly useless and he's chase after he. She wanted to die, so what difference would it make? So she LET him. The idiot missed and bit the end of her sleeve. She ran into a car and called 911 so they could capture the innocent raccoon. She went inside and let the Cow in. Did I write about that other one? I ferget.

-October 29, 2000: Night. Repeated. The girl and her mom went to the pond. The pond path was like a graveyard sort of. There were old gravestones just in random areas along the path. One, just past the animal place, there was a grave where the girl and her mother buried someone. They unburied her and dragged her out of her grave. It was unpleasant...The woman corpse was covered with stuff so they didn't have to touch her, but the stuff would easily come off and they had to touch her anyway. Her flesh was mostly eaten away, but not all. The girl's mother had the ability to possess this corpse and she went inside, but she didn't try to move it. So it was just the girl now moving the corpse. She asked her to walk to corpse to where they were supposed to put it (back into the grave perhaps). There was a reason, but who knows what it was. It was difficult. Beautiful!

-October 29, 2000: Evening. The girl has a kid. Her mom had the kid for her. She brought it home in a plastic bag stuffed in a paper bag. The child was as small as a premature newborn, still bloody and slimey and still with part of her ambilicol (sp?) chord on. She didn't stay a baby for long. Somehow she transformed into an aqua coloured little furry creature thing. He was cute. She said "Y'know, I don't really like furry things, but this one is really cute." Or perhaps someone else said that. The animal changed colours as time passed. Aqua to blueish green to royal blue to blue to purple. The girl got bored of the animal after a while. The end

-entry November 9, 2000: the grandmother kept hurting the girl. The girl's mother, herself, and sister didn't approve of this but the grandmother was an airhead.

-entry November 9, 2000: Late at night. Her house was broken into by some woman psycho and the woman's husband, who just happened to be a male psycho. Perhaps it was the girl's english teacher. She only worried about them hurting her dear cats. Her, her mother, and her grandmother hid in the bathroom. Her mother and grandmother cut there skin with some sharp instrument and drew pictures on their skin. Dot designs, smiley faces, and swirls mostly. She was VERY confused and she just left the bathroom. She wasn't afraid that they'd kill her, only afraid that they'd hurt one of the cats. She knew this would be her chance to kill someone and get away with it. She took some plastic pole thing and impaled the female killer in the hallway. She was going to chop off her head just to be sure that she was dead, but she couldn't find the butcher knife. She may have come back to life.

November 12, 2000: The girl's sexy brother was a vampire. He bit someone and said she was next. Some jerk was gonna kill him with garlic.

November 12, 2000: Afternoon. Her and her family went to some camp place or something in Canada, maybe. It was like this weird playgroundyish area type placey. But not quite. There were a couple of smurf bikes and some other smurf things and some stuff. There were swings too. The ground was all dirt. She rode the smurf bike around the camp place. There was a little building with a bunch of crafts that the craft campers made. Her and her mother went inside. They went to eat lunch. She said she must be cold, but she was not, so she told her. Whatever....

November 13, 2000: Night. Winter. There was a big bag (a trash bag) of stuffed animals. The stuffed animals were alive. Her parents wants to get rid of them, so they left them out on the deck. The girl didn't want to give up the stuffed animals. She had pity for them and they were alive. It's cruel to leave live stuffed animals out in the freezing cold in a trash bag. She knew she couldn't free all of them because she wouldn't have any place to put all of them and her mother would get mad and just put them back outside. She wouldn't understand. So she started off with just one, who was Pussy Fats. She missed him the most and she wanted him back. Then she decided one more-Woofman. Then she decided to just let them all out. The end

November 15, 2000: The girl, Laura, and whatsherface did their presentations for Dracula and the girl just lost it. She lost her place, she thought she was done when she wasn't, she cracked up at everything, and it just wasn't her. It was like she was drunk and high off of pot or something.

November 15, 2000: Night. Peter Pan took her to Never-Never Land on his magick carper. Laura and whatsherface might've been there too. The place was fucked. You could fly around and bounce on balls shaped like orderments and stuff.

November 15, 2000: Day. The girl got suspended. She was late for the fourth time because they screwed up and didn't renew her lates for the new term. So she got suspended for a few days and she had to go to an expensive private school. Two "friends" also went to that school. She didn't really like anyone there. She sat with those "friends" at a booth table and told them she got suspended. They hated her now. Oh dear! sinner she is!

November 20, 2000: There were two district pieces of Fantasie.

November 20, 2000: A period skipped and she couldn't remember if theory was 5th or 6th period.

November 23, 2000: Night. A sexy girl came to visit her and her pal. Her hair was funky. It was semi-long and strait in the back and the rest was curly and long. The three sat on steps of stone and talked about nothing.

November 23, 2000: Evening. Some room. One side had tables the other didn't. She was with her brother. This guy who thought he was tough walked in and he wanted to kill her because she was a "new" woman. So she beat the shit out of him.

November 26, 2000: Late morning. supposedly at her brother's house. He said he had to go to work. She was on the computer. She wanted to go sledding and he was going to sell the sled. She went into the next room and there was another computer with Ralf as the screen saver. The horror!! She decided to go sledding down a big hill that sort of magically appeared in his house.

November 27, 2000: The girl and her family went to...something....A bunch of Chinese people watched them as the audience. Afterwards, they could talk to the Chinese people. Her dad took her to the bleechers to a group of like, four Chinese girls. They looked semi-Chinese and they were kinda snobby. The other Chinese people were very interested in the Americans who did the show they just watched. But her group of Chinese people just seemed to want her to get the hell away from them, and she did indeed desire to, but she knew her father would get angry.

November 27, 2000: Afternoon. The girl went to King Richard's Faire with those Chinese people. Well, sort of. It was the same place, but it was not a faire. She went to a stand with stuff and someone knocked over an incense burner. First, it was a wood thing with plasticy papery gold thing with a gragoyle design. Then it turned into a goddess incense burner thing the next time. It cost $3, but she did not buy it. She picked up a giant moon goddess necklace.

November 27, 2000: Afternoon. In the girl's room. The room felt very empty. The floor was actually clean. The night table was missing and so was her clock. On her shelf was her VCR. Another of her VCR was in its proper place. She awoke in a meditative position.

entry November 27, 2000: something about the dentist with comic books and movies and computer.....the moron never wrote it down.

entry December 3, 2000: There were still some leaves left that hadn't changed to brown yet. She was going to take some home with her to make a leaf journal. She didn't because she knew they'd turn brown. She picked up a small leaf. It had each autumn colour mixed in it. Very lovely indeed!

entry December 3, 2000: Her cat was dragging a white box filled with boxes of Annie's Macaroni and Cheese around the kitchen. She went to get her camera and she couldn't find it. So she used her mother's camera. The cat took the box under the dining room table and he was afraid of the camera. He didn't want to have his picture taken.

December 3, 2000: This dumb kid Sean lived one of the girl's neighbor's house. And Chris (another pimp) lived next door. One day Sean came home from school and he forgot his key. He said to the girl that she didn't have to let him in (she wasn't going to anyway) and he could just stay at Chris's house.

December 3, 2000: The girl's cat had kittena. There were two that looked just like little Woofman.

December 7, 2000: She took the van down to a museum near Ammie's house. Then she realized that she couldn't drive. It turned dark and the van magically transformed into a bike. Ooooo! It was so dark that she could hardly see anything. She would see something when it was too late. She almost smashed her bike numerous times because she couldn't see anything. She arrived at the place just off of the highway. It was sort of hidden behind bushes and stuff, but she found it rather easily. It was closed. She looked in the window. She went around the corner and found a large rock, her sister sitting atop crying. The girl asked if sister if she could take her home. Her sister hesitated, but agreed in an angry tone.

entry December 17, 2000: The girl had absolutely wonderful strait, long blue hair. She met with "Martha", a goddess who had some relation with Pan. The girl tried hard as to not upset her. She ran down aisles with her white horse, past people and creatures who she didn't like. They all wanted to rape and kill her.

December 16, 2000: That annoying freshman who always flirts tried breaking into her locker. He would read the numbers she went to. He got the combination screwed up though because he's a moron. She asked what he wanted in my locker and he just wanted to asnnoy me.

entry December 17, 2000: She went to Boston.

entry December 17, 2000: She lost a tooth.

entry December 21, 2000: She was at Amanda's house for drama rehearsal. It didn't look like her house. She ordered pizza. They all went to the movies. The theatre was huge and very futurey.

entry December 21, 2000: a good artist came over with her and her sister. It wasn't at there house and no one knows where it was. They didn't know each other at all. The artist had a phonecall.

December 26, 2000: The girl and her friend went to some concert, She didn't feel well because of menstrual cramps. She got some cereal at the concession stand-the boring, healthy kind.

December 27, 2000: The girl took a walk down Towne St. with some guy. Everything was accurate as could be. She liked the guy, but she felt somewhat suspiscious. She found herself in her house at the landing. The guy was trying to break in so he could rob her and rape her. She locked the 6 horizontal locks on her door and he gave up and moved onto the next house in the neighborhood in his white and yellow business truck. He wanted to molest all of the children in the neighborhood. He was very unsuccessful. The girl called the police, but they came too late. He disappeared.

December 27, 2000: She transferred to Bishop Feehan. Without any thought about it, her mother consented. She couldn't find her classes. Her friend was there and gave her a confused look. She realized that there was no way she could pass Bishop Feehan when she gets D's, a failing grade at that school. She had lunch in an open and empty room with her brother and someone else. Something about a field....

December 30, 2000: She went to camp. Some people who she didn't know drove her down in their car. It was a very long ride. The adults were so ruley and crap. They'd let them talk, but when they realized it, they'd get mad and say that they weren't allowed to talk. They arrived at the camp and stayed for a weekend. The girl's parents picked her up. She asked where she was, but they wouldn't tell. All of the liscense plates were from Texas. They stopped at a food court and one resturant sold "North Attleboro Music Department" sandwiches. She ordered a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a grilled cheese. It came with fries. The cashier said she would have the peanut butter and jelly for dessert. She arrived home later and told everyone that she went camping in the middle of winter.

December 30, 2000: Her scanner worked for another day.

December 30, 2000: This tall girl thought she was the greatest because she thought she knew a shortcut to her next class at school. The halls were so crowded that it wasn't really shorter. Everyone thought she was a ditz. The girl learned that Whitney was the webmaster to, so she stopped liking the site because Whitney sucks.

December 30, 2000: She brought her contacts to the theatre during Hell week. They were very dirty and hairy and in both parts of the case was a clear contact and a purple one. It was difficult to tell them apart especially when she couldn't see much in the first place. She saw Ms. Cobb on one of the seats on the right side of the theatre, but the next time she looked, she saw a dark haired woman with very light skin, in her 30's.

December 21, 2000: Her, her friend, and her family went on a vacation to some place and stayed at a hotel. Her and her siblings went out to dinner at a Chinese restaurant. There was a bar and some very tall tables. Her friend was already there. They sat at one of the tables. On each table there was a set of bagpipes in the centre, layed neatly flat. Everyone in the resturant pressed the bag, creating a discusting sound with a loud squeak from all the pipes that didn't work.

January 1, 2001: The girl smoked and drank beer right in front of her parents. She awoke and couldn't remember if she dreamt it or not. She found clues that she didn't, however her sister didn't remember anything about it.

entry January 22, 2001: Her, her mom, her sister, and her grandmother went to a make-your-own-costume type thing. They had things of water where you dip your face in and your face turns that colour. She dipped her face in the blue one and tried drowning herself. She was unsuccessful. She found a faery costume on one of the racks. It was cheesey though, with blotches of pastel colours and wings to match. It was skanky looking because the dress was so tiny.

entry February 4, 2001: Pussy Fats' spirit came back. She took some pictures of him, wondering if he'd appear on film. Her mom was there too.

entry February 17, 2001: It was spring at the pond and there was a bunch of little ducklings. The parents were missing from the scene. She noticed two foxes and some other animals. One of the foxes ate one of the ducklings. It was sad.

February 19, 2001: She drank and chugged down a huge bottle of peppermint vodka. She hated peppermint and vodka, but this stuff wasn't bad at all. She didn't think she got drunk off of it, but perhaps she did. Her brother asked her to make him a pina colada and she didn't have a clue. She thought it consisted of blending lemons and citri cream together. Her and her brother took a walk in Arabia.

February 19, 2001: There was this Simpsons contest where you had to make a plot out of cardboard Simpsons characters. The first entry cost $20 and went until March. The next one was $50 and went until May and the third was $100 and went until June. Her plotline was Bart and Lise mating.

February 20, 2001: The girl called the wrong number to some company and called Liselotte by mistake. She was playing "Army of Me" by bjork. This was the past. She told Liselotte in person this weird occurance.

February 22, 2001: She was in this tribe or something and they all went down to some place. Sarah Castro was there and she was being nice for some reason. They arrived at some unexplainable place. The girl used to go there to get to jazz band. They walked back in a straight line wearing nothing but underwear. Andrew was behind her and she didn't want him to know it was her because she was the only one there without a chest.

February 22, 2001: Woofman had two kittens. They were all wet and cute. She saved them from the ferocious dog, but Woofman got scared and ran into smelly Grandpa's room.

February 22, 2001: her and her mom went to New York and visited Nana. They went to a mall place to look for a present for some person. There was a bunch of stuffed animals threwout the store by some company and her mom liked them but for some reason Nana didn't. She thought they were stupid.

February 25, 2001: They were going on a trip to New York City. She saw her long lost best friend. They had to pick a car on the train. Each had a painting. She tried looking for the car with the nicest painting so she could be with an artist. She was in a rush since the cars were filling up so fast. She found one with a dragon at the end and went in that one. It was the same one as the annoying kid in theory class.

February 25, 2001: Ian Wright was substituting for her optomatrist.

entry February 28, 2001: She went to Kenya. She wanted something that cost 5000 Kenyan dollars and she didn't know how to convert it. Some guy gave her something in mathematic terms on how to figure it out. So that was useless...She found her friend somewhere and they went to a pub where her friend got drunk off of irish cream.

March 13, 2001: It was spring and the girl and her sister went someplace. There was a really pretty winter mirror. She looked out her window and saw nothing but snow.

March 20, 2001: This square room. There was no ceiling or floor really. There was a catwalk going around the edges of the room. The walls were made of stone and there was a crystal clear waterfall flowing off the wall on the right. She went right threw the door and found herself staring at a new series of waterfalls. They were all different widths flowing from a single wall. There were many different colours. There was a calm lake that they were flowing into and there was no sound. The colours were like a sunset. The girls was nekked.

March 20, 2001: She was in a large, rbight room at a table with her mother. She was getting married to the sexy particular person. Her mother gave her a few wedding gifts-a 500 box of prismacoloured pencils. She found them outside somewhere. Inside the box was a bunch of old crap crayola pencils and markers. She looked for a silver one and had no luck. The girl was also given an organic magnetic bracelet. She wore it and awoke nude in her bed wearing just the bracelet.

March 20, 2001: She was on a field with a bunch of people she didn't know. It was late at nut. She cut herself in half and somehow regenerated. She still had her extra body to carry around. She was going to leave it somewhere. She was in the back of the school, behind the gate with her extra body, bleeding everywhere. A policeman was arresting some kid for smoking. She was scared that he'd accuse her of murdur. She threw the corpse over the gate, jumped over it and ran.

March 20, 2001: Late at night. The sexy one lived in this little old wooden house with cobwebs next door to her friend. She came to visit. She stole something from her friend's freezer and crawled into the sexy one's bed afterwards.

March 20, 2001: A few people chose a video game to play. Someone gave her a Playstation 2. There was a cowboy. She made out with the sexy man to end the dream.

March 21, 2001: Her and the sexy one hitchhiked to Romania. Some spaniard brought them. There was lettuce.

March 21, 2001: Lesbian fantasy.

March 26, 2001: This little bedroom in a basement with a low is no one's business.

March 31, 2001: blahhhhhhh I'm sick of writing these.

April 2, 2001: It was set in this open area with this weird symetrical thingy. It was shaped sort of like an X and it was very 3 dimentional. It curved upwards and at the ends were small pools of crystal clear water. The whole thing seemed to glow and it was all white. It was late at night and the sky was very clear and you could see all the stars as if there were no street lights existing. The whole area was lit up because of the whiteness of the white thing and the stars. Her mother was at the opposite side of the thing as she was. Surrounding it was woods, but not much because most of it was cut down. Her mom picked up a piece of the ground, assumingly pavement and she stretched it out and said "Look how far we are from civilization," and the perspection looked all screwed was odd. Next she found herself nekked in one of the pools, staring at the stars. The water felt so real and relaxing. Her mother got confused because the water was cold and the girl doesn't like cold water.

April 4, 2001: The sexy one came over.

April 5, 2001: She was this guitarist. The singer was drunk.

There's a lot missing...oh well. I'll find them. Updated on April 6, 2001
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