
a one-act play by Heather Viola-

Fetus: The main character of the story. A 6-month-old Fetus was left on Earth by God. As a gift, he was given immortality and a slave known as "The Sock". He's a simple, easy-going Fetus. He fears things he's supposed to fear. He doesn't let others get in the way of his feelings. He doesn't listen to others when he doesn't want to. He has some common sense.
God: Fetus's father.
The Sock: Fetus's slave and only friend. He has a kind, sweet, and loving personality. He is a calm person and wishes to win the trust of everyone. He takes over Fetus's body.
Dead People: An army of zombies. None of them have any real personality. They eat Fetus's brain. The Sock didn't have one to begin with, so they left him alone.
Skin Dog: An insane, senile elderly woman in her early 90's. She believes she has a son and must search for him. She suffers from schizophrenia and mood swings. She doesn't know what she's doing and she never has a clue about what she's talking about.
Aya: A beautiful water nymph. She is shy and a bit serious until she gets to know someone. She is pretty quiet. She falls in love with Skin Dog.
Diana: Fetus's long lost mother. She is the heroine of the play. She is very loving and only does the right thing.
Llewelyn: The villain. He is the demon living in The Sock's brain throughout the play. The story as to how he got there in the first place is a great mystery and may never be solved.


(Curtain rises. Lights flash causing the audience numerous seizures. The sound of thunder booms. A six month old human fetus falls from the "sky" onto center stage.)

FETUS: Ahhh! Where did I come from? Help.
GOD: (voice-over) I put you here.
FETUS: Oh. (shrugs) Okay. Who're you?
GOD: (voice-over) This is God.
FETUS: (freaking out) Dear God! Where is my mother?
GOD: (voice-over) I am your mother, Fool. You are all mine. Bwahahahaha.
FETUS: Okaaayyyyyy….. (walks away casually)

(At night in a graveyard. A soft, cold mist creates a mysterious mood. The sound of owls is in the background. FETUS is on center stage. THE SOCK is a worn out red and white striped knee sock. It has no face, but a voice of his own. THE SOCK walks on left stage to FETUS.)

THE SOCK: Dear Fetus, I am The Sock. I have been sent to you to grant you any wishes you'd like. You are superior and you deserve a magical sock like myself.
FETUS: Neat.
THE SOCK: Good Fetus, I must caution you. This graveyard is mysterious. Bad things have happened here in the past. Please be careful.
FETUS: (in disbelief) Suuure…..I want a cookie, slave.
THE SOCK: I do not have any cookies. However, if I did, you would be the first I would share them with, my loyal friend, dearest to me.
(Suddenly the ground begins to move. )
FETUS: (fearfully) Eeeeeekkkk! What is that?!
THE SOCK: Do calm down, my Fetus. For it is just an earthquake.
FETUS: Am I actually supposed to know what an earthquake is?
THE SOCK: Ummm…no. For the Gods have not created earthquakes and you only know what they know. It is simply just an earthworm passing threw a solid rock. They are not intelligent like you and I.

(The ground trembles violently throwing FETUS flying off balance. Incredibully gruesome slimy limbs slide out from the under the ground. Full corpses begin to make their way to the surface. They are animate dead people. Some are missing some parts and try to take other dead people's parts to replace them. They're voices are silent and all your can hear from them are their guts spilling loose from their fragile bodies. FETUS and THE SOCK watch from a distance.)

THE SOCK: Do not worry, Fetus…They won't harm you.
FETUS: Uhhh…Must I listen to you?
THE SOCK: Indeed, you must. For I am the all-knowing almighty sock and I must help you. I shall teach you many things. Soon you will be able to distinguish the difference between good and bad. They are good people. They will feed us.
(The dead people start to clumsily walk closer to THE SOCK and FETUS. FETUS, still frightened, shivers.)
FETUS: I don't care what you say, slave! You are merely a simple sock and you know nothing! They are not good people; they're evil and they've come to attack!
(FETUS runs away mumbling profanity to THE SOCK. THE SOCK simply ignores FETUS and sails after him. As THE SOCK and FETUS speed up, so do the scary dead people.)
FETUS: (angrily to THE SOCK) Look behind you, Fool! They are chasing us! They've come to get us! You think this is GOOD?! You have no brain!
THE SOCK: How dare you criticize your magical sock! You must treat me with respect, young Fetus! I have come to help you. I will protect you. You have no need to be scared.
(By now the dead people have caught up.)
FETUS: (frozen and speechless) Ummm…ummm…ummmm…what do I do….help…
THE SOCK: They will leave soon enough, young Fetus. You will see.
(They do not leave. Instead, they grab FETUS by the head.)
FETUS: (squirming wildly to break free) AGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!! Help, slave! Save me! They're trying to eat me!! Eeeeeeeee!!
DEAD PEOPLE: We are the zombies. We are famous. We come in peace. Have no fear.
THE SOCK: Hear that, Fetus? They won't hurt you. They don't bite. You must never doubt me.

(FETUS cries and shivers in fear. The zombies eat his brain. FETUS, gifted with immortality when he was created, does not die. However he must somehow live his just-begun life without a brain. Once the zombies learn that there is no more brain to feed off of, they leave and go back to their homes underground.)

THE SOCK: Umm….that was only a test to see how easily you trust me. You obviously can not tell when I am lying. I was lying…Umm…I really meant run. You did not listen, dear Fetus. I must help you more.
FETUS: You are the dumbest sock I have ever met! You are useless! You are supposed to be used for feet! What a horrible slave you make!
THE SOCK: (unsure of how to back itself up) Now Fetus….
FETUS: (glares at THE SOCK. Angrily) SLAVE! I demand that you stop being a smartass and never lie to me again! I am your master and you must obey!
THE SOCK: Yes, Sir. But you must understand that I am only here to help and you can not learn from me unless I teach you.
FETUS: I wish you came with common sense. What use is a slave who is an idiot?
THE SOCK: FOOL! How dare you disrespect you faithful and magical, all-knowing sock! You will like me whether you want to or not! I will make you! (THE SOCK glares deeply at FETUS, hoping for a fearful reaction.)
FETUS: I'm sorry, slave. But I am your master. I don't have to listen to you if I don't want to.
THE SOCK: True. But I was sent to you by your Father. I know all and you are better off listening to me. I am magical unlike you and you will bow to me when you see me as if I were a king.
(FETUS grabs THE SOCK by the neck. A little metallic-yellowish orange being falls out of the sock. It has long fangs and spiky red hair.)
FETUS: (confused) What the…??
THE SOCK: Oh no! You have learned my disguise! Now you must die!
FETUS: But Slave, I am immortal. Have you already forgotten?
THE SOCK: As am I. Immortal things possess special powers that you did not allow me to teach you. (insane laughter) BEWARE OF THE SOCK FETUS!
(THE SOCK flies off the ground and into FETUS'S mouth, down his throat. FETUS'S skin grows red and white stripes, resembling THE SOCK'S pattern.)
FETUS: HAHA, Fetus!! You thought you could fool me! You thought you could mess with the almighty, all-powerful, all-knowing sock! I have moved into your empty skull! I have taken over your body! You are helpless! Now you are doomed! WAUHAHAHA!

(A lovely sunny day at a park. A bench sits at center stage down. Left stage up is a small swingset. To the right of the bench is a slide. FETUS sits on the bench sun-gazing. Enter SKIN DOG from left stage.)
SKIN DOG: Excuse me, Sir, but can you help me? My name is Skin Dog. I seem to be lost. Help. Ahhhh…please? SKIN DOG: I need to find my son. I don't know where he went and I don't know where I am. Have you seen him?
FETUS: When was he last seen?
SKIN DOG: Umm…just recently. Like umm…maybe last year? I don't know really. I am just making up stuff.
FETUS: Do you have a son?
SKIN DOG: Umm…yes…I do think so. But I seem to have lost him. Can you help me find him? Sir?
FETUS: Come! We shall seek your son together!
SKIN DOG: That's good. You are nice to me, Good Sir.
FETUS: Just call me Master. Come with me.
(SKIN DOG and FETUS hold hands and walk off right stage)

(FETUS and SKIN DOG find themselves at the end of a long, narrow, wooden bridge, crossing over a large river circling a dark castle. The sky is a deep, reddish purple colour and soft clouds slide above.)

FETUS: Perhaps your son is in this castle. Missing things always seem to be found in places such as this.
SKIN DOG: Umm…Master, are you sure about this? I don't want to get hurt. What if there is something in there that will eat me?
FETUS: Oh, don't worry. I have been to this castle a number of times. It's perfectly safe.
SKIN DOG: Will you come with me? I'm afraid.
FETUS: Why, of course. That is what I am here for. To serve you and help you when you need it.
SKIN DOG: Okay, then. Thank you. You are kind to me, Master. I do appreciate your kindness.
(FETUS and SKIN DOG walk over the bridge and enter the castle.)

(Inside the castle. SKIN DOG and FETUS walk in threw the door. Inside is a huge room, filled with giant flames of fire. Large stone columns with gargoyles at the top decorate the room. On the walls are giant statues of humans that seem very still, but each time you look at them they are in a different position. A catwalk borders the walls and leads to a doorway on the opposite sides.)

SKIN DOG: I don't think I like this place much…I don't like these statues….Are they out to get me?
FETUS: No, no..haha. Nobody's out to get you. The statues are just statues and nothing more. They are only made of rock and have no minds. They are powerless and inanimate. They won't not hurt you.
SKIN DOG: What if I fall off this walkway? I don't want to die…help…I'm scared, Master.
FETUS: If you fall off the walkway, I shall rescue you with my supernatural powers.
SKIN DOG: I don't understand, but okay.
FETUS: It's true, you know.
SKIN DOG: What are we doing in here anyway? Isn't there a better way of getting to the treasure?
FETUS: What treasure? We are out on a journey to seek your son. There is no treasure.
SKIN DOG: (angry) But what about my son? He is good! You may not know him but he is good and caring!
FETUS: What is it that you are talking about?
SKIN DOG: I….I….I don't know….
FETUS: We shall soon find him. You will see! You need not worry!
(FETUS and SKIN DOG arrive at the doorway and go threw)

(The next room of the castle is a forest. The place is quiet and peaceful. The audience hears the sound of few birds chirping and the sweet and soft sound of an ocarina. Tall trees scatter the area. Gnomes peep through holes in the trees and from behind trees. There are various holes in the ground and every so often an elf with pop his head out and look around. Faeries fly aimlessly through the trees and sit on the branches. Bushes and flowers of each colour cover the ground. A path of mulch leads to the next doorway. Enter FETUS and SKIN DOG.)

FETUS: So, what does your son look like anyway?
SKIN DOG: I don't know. He was kidnapped.
FETUS: Right…do you remember what he looked like?
SKIN DOG: No…I do not think he had an appearance.
FETUS: I see…Interesting….
SKIN DOG: (flipping out) You are not the demon who captured my son, are you?! Only the kidnapper would be wondering about my son! I will not give you any information about my son so you can not continue on your evil plans!
FETUS: Skin Dog, I am only here to help. Do calm down. I mean no harm to you or to your son.
(They arrive at a stream. Orange and violet fish can be seen swimming in the stream. A young woman's voice, AYA, is heard in no specific direction.)
AYA'S VOICE: I am the Mistress of the Stream. Good things will happen if you drink my fresh water. Try me!
(FETUS and SKIN DOG look at each other in wonderment.)
FETUS: I believe she is addressing you, Skin Dog. Try the water.
(SKIN DOG kneels down and drinks the water with her tongue. After a few sips, AYA, a beautiful water nymph, appears before her eyes coming out of the stream. AYA walks up to SKIN DOG. FETUS stands aside and watches, patiently. He doesn't really listen and just sort of stares off into space watching whatever seems to move.)
AYA: Greetings. I am Aya. I am the Queen of this stream. I will grant you eternal youth and beauty if you please.
(SKIN DOG is gazing into AYA'S eyes, in a trance-like state.)
AYA: Hey… (snaps her fingers. SKIN DOG awakens to enough awareness to listen to the lovely AYA.) Do you wish for eternal youth and beauty?
SKIN DOG: No…why would I want that? I like being old and wrinkly.
AYA: You! You are the one I have been searching for! One who appreciates oldness! Hoorah! You must be a Goddess! I have found my mate.
SKIN DOG: Umm…Okay…I am searching for my long lost son.
AYA: Oh! Can I come! I wanna spend much time with my newly found mate.
SKIN DOG: Yes, okay.
AYA: Yay! We will have fun, yep.
FETUS: Skin Dog, are you ready to continue our long journey?
SKIN DOG: Yes, I guess so.
(The three walk further down the forest path. SKIN DOG and AYA hold hands. AYA rests her head on SKIN DOG'S shoulder. They continue walking and go threw a doorway in a stone wall.)

(Inside the door way is an open room made entirely of silver. There are several large mounds of solid silver scattered on the floor. Silver lit chandeliers hang from the ceiling. Silver wall candles are attached to the walls, also lit. A silver cat is sleeping by the doorway. There is no exit. Entering this room, the group's skin and clothes changes to silver. There is not a speck of colour anywhere.)
SKIN DOG: Help! I am confused! This is a trap!
FETUS: Do calm yourself, Skin Dog. This is no trap. This is a gift! This room is made entirely of silver, you see.
SKIN DOG: But I can not see. My eyes!! (grabs her eyes) It's too shiny in here, aaaccckkk!
AYA: (shrugs) I can see…but I'm a nymph and I'm just used to silver things…Hmm…oh well…
(Suddenly there is a sparkling sound. A blue light can be seen from above. A glistening lady, DIANA, made entirely of silver floats slowly down to the stage. She is made entirely of silver. She wears a cape and a long medieval style dress. On her head sits an insanely tall crown, almost reaching the ceiling. She is neither young nor old. She is a darker shade of silver than the rest of the room.)
DIANA: Greetings, Good People. I am Diana. I understand some of you have issues?
FETUS: No…no issues. Whatever makes you think that?
SKIN DOG: I lost my son.
AYA: I am in love with Skin Dog, but she won't molest me.
DIANA: I know where your son is, Skin Dog. Aya, your wish may be granted too. (pause) Fetus, would you come here?
(FETUS proudly stands before DIANA, only expecting the best. DIANA takes her wand, taps it on FETUS'S forehead. THE SOCK demon falls out.)
THE SOCK: How dare you, woman! What are you trying to do?! Look what you've done to me! I wasn't finished playing! I had a real human body! You didn't even give me enough time to torture him! You fool!
(DIANA looks at THE SOCK strangely. She taps his forehead and a smaller demon thing, SEAN, flies out.)
LLEWELYN: I am the man! The nerve of you freeing me! I'm better than you too.
(THE SOCK picks up LLEWELYN with his palm and swallows him alive. THE SOCK looks up at DIANA and smiles. DIANA hands THE SOCK his red and white striped sock that he's always possessed and lived in. AYA sits down cross legged out of boredom.)
FETUS: Suuuure….
SKIN DOG: (looks at FETUS) I know that voice. I think you are my son. Let me take you home.
FETUS: Okaaayy…Can I take my sock slave with me too?
SKIN DOG: Umm…Ok I guess…Just as long as you behave though, okay?
FETUS: Yeah, whatever.
SKIN DOG: (looks down at AYA) You are the only sane one who helped me find my son. Thank you. You wanna get married?
AYA: Hell, yeah. Can we?
SKIN DOG: Yes. Here is a ring. (picks up a piece of silver from the ground and bends it to form a loop. Tears stream down AYA'S cheek and she smiles. AYA and SKIN DOG kiss and there is much rejoice. Sappy dramatic violin music plays in the background. Meanwhile, FETUS is gathering pieces of silver to form a new brain. THE SOCK helps FETUS gather the pieces. They open his head and insert it in. Curtains close.)

GOD: (voice-over) …And so the little Fetus and his little sock friend-slave lived happily ever after. Aya and Skin Dog also lived happily ever after and honeymooned in Japan. Sean was never seen or heard from again. A holiday was made for the day Sean died. Diana decided to never tell anyone that Fetus was actually her son and she was just being nice by giving him away to Skin Dog. She didn't have the heart to tell Skin Dog that she had no son. The End.

(Curtains open. Curtain call.)