partyangl32: hey
partyangl32: hey
partyangl32: hey
partyangl32: hey
partyangl32: hey
partyangl32: u there
partyangl32: well
partyangl32: answer me
partyangl32: now
partyangl32: please
partyangl32: wwwwww
partyangl32: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
raspswirl05: *puts computer on "mute"* I'd block you again, but I'm amused.
partyangl32: looser
partyangl32: buttmunch
raspswirl05: closet cuntsucker.
partyangl32: so what if i am what r u gunna do about it
partyangl32: well
partyangl32: answer now
partyangl32: i mean it
raspswirl05: You should really come out of that closet. What are you so ashamed of?
partyangl32: you
raspswirl05: I did.
partyangl32: you should stop giving head to your father
raspswirl05: Ok.
raspswirl05: Your father complains about you behind your back. He's guilty that he raised you and he wishes that he left you like his original plan.
partyangl32: i know well at least i wasnt left in a dumpster like you
raspswirl05: I wasn't left in a dumpster...
partyangl32: i mean that must be the reason you stink
partyangl32: sure
raspswirl05: You've never met me, how would you know my scent?
partyangl32: liar
partyangl32: liar
partyangl32: liar
partyangl32: liar
partyangl32: liar
partyangl32: liar
partyangl32: liar
partyangl32: liar
partyangl32: liar
partyangl32: liar
partyangl32: liar
partyangl32: liar
partyangl32: liar
partyangl32: liar
raspswirl05: you done?
partyangl32: no my friend told me that you stink
partyangl32: she i black
raspswirl05: You're friend also hasn't met me.
partyangl32: and she goes to your school
raspswirl05: I don't give a fuck of her race. She was born the same way I was.
raspswirl05: What school do I go to?
partyangl32: you were born down a street ally
raspswirl05: I was. Damn you know my secret.
partyangl32: you r 10 pounds of craup in a 5 pound bag
raspswirl05: I must be mutant crap if I've got the intelligence to know how to type this.
raspswirl05: But yeah, only a piece of crap would even talk to you in the first place.
partyangl32: yep raspswirl05: neat
partyangl32: yep i thought so
raspswirl05: I don;t have scum or anything like that on the bottom of my shoe. That's pretty gross. Do you hang out with all the bums?
partyangl32: know but you do
raspswirl05: You're making too much sense.
partyangl32: is it to much for you to handle
raspswirl05: Yeah. I'm about to die of laughter.
partyangl32: later looser
raspswirl05: Good bye, you worthiless fuckhead. Go kill yourself.
partyangl32: no thats what yourvplan is
partyangl32: i read my bible tonight
partyangl32: and i will pray you and let god help you
raspswirl05: God told me to let me run my own life and not let a book get in my way. I pity you. No wait, I don't.
partyangl32 signed off at 1:54:01 AM.