The Adventures of Raccoon and Skunk

Alan Clavette wrote the part for RACCOON and I, H wrote the SKUNK parts. This dialogue got mad reviews.

RACCOON: *singing something about an elephant*
SKUNK: Hello, Pretty Boy. How you doin?
RACCOON: Ummm...What's up?
SKUNK: Just checkin' out me and ma homies, yo! How are you, striped one?
RACCOON: I be ok, yo. It been hard practicin fo my concert tomorrow, ya know?
SKUNK: Yeah, so you want some birdseed? I snagged them from the birds. They weren't there so it don't mattah. They're lazy. All they do is sleep. So...ya single?
RACCOON: Well...I gotta practice now, but I'm off at 5, yo. Hows about you an me discuss this mattuh ovah dinner out behind Chinatown. I hear thuh garbage is quality there.
SKUNK: Dat sounds good, yo! Den we can go frolicking in da meadows at my place?
RACCOON: Frollic? Hellz no! Raccoons don't be frolickin! Howz about we goez can tippin instead?
SKUNK: Yeah ok. May you please explain can tipping? Umm...please, Mr. Raccoon, Sir?
RACCOON: Please, call me Harvey. Can tippin is when yo find yoself a can, and you tip it, yo. Oh, what's yo name, sweet thang.
SKUNK: Oreo, Sir. Yes! Let's go can tippin, whee!
RACCOON: Groovey! So, pick you up round 5?
SKUNK: But I'm staying wit you, yo! You ain't ditchin me, are you?
RACCOON: Comone, baby! Don't be like dat! You know, I'z got work to do.
SKUNK: You workaholic! You don't even care bout me! Look, Sir, I am so desperately in love wit you, yo! You can't leave me! I can't possibly live without you, yo! Eeeeek.
RACCOON: Listen, baby! It takes a lot to keep this Getto rap star raccoon's head above water. I ain't leavin ya, yo! I just need a little space, that's all baby.
SKUNK: Hey, you don't know me! You can't tell me what to do! Hey, I'm 4-years-ol'! I can stay wit you and take up as much space as I want!
RACCOON: Listen, Skunk! I am the master, yo! And I be tellin ya to back the heck off. Now!
SKUNK: *bows down to the Raccoon* Yes, Sir. Shall we mate and reproduce?
RACCOON: What do you think this is? The discovery channel? You be crazy, I'll see you lata, I'z got work.
SKUNK: Hey, gimme stripey skunk children!! Please?
RACCOON: If you keep pressin me, I'm gonna jump out the window.
SKUNK: I got da money, how much do you charge?
RACCOON: Money? You'z got money!?!
SKUNK: Yes, Master
RACCOON: Don't call me master ::smack::
