Rumplestiltskin-as told by H

There once lived some old miller guy and his young daughter. They were poor. The old miller wished that he'd have some hope on getting money when his daughter grew up and got a real job. He lost all hope when she stated that she wanted to be a carpenter. At the same time, there lived a king and his pet prince. Coincidentally, they all lived in the same kingdom and neither child had a mother. Odd....When the prince was about 18 and the miller's daughter was 13, the king told everyone that his prince needed a wife, because he was depressed and the king was getting annoyed. The prince was depressed because they stopped making lead butter knives and he liked those. He used to collect them. In fact, he had a collection of about 608921 lead butter knives. The miller heard a rumour that the prince needed a wife in the kingdom like, miles away. He drove his motorcycle to this mystical land. The miller came up to the king who ruled the kingdom and he told him that he was interested in marrying his son and becoming a queen. He mentioned that his daughter was a princess, because he thought it would be real cool if she was. The king found this amusing since he didn't even have a son. He had 3 daughters, the youngest being 57 who all lived with their stuck up husbands, and a shaggy hermaphroditic dog named Hubert. He played along with the scrubby looking miller that his daughter would have the opportunity to marry his son if she could spin straw into gold. The miller, not really listening to this ridiculous deal, agreed to it (what an idiot). All he really heard was the word "gold" and "straw". He sort of figured the king wanted to trade for some fucked up reason. He handcuffed the miller's daughter and stuck her in some dusty dungeon wirh a bunch of straw and a spinning wheel. She didn't know what the fuck was going on so she just sort of sat around and sang melodies about geese. A little green man appeared out of nowhere. She got fightened and she slaughtered the little green man for invading her territory. Then she ate him because she was bored. Another man appeared, much like the other one. "Hi!" said he. "My name is Rumplestiltskin and you killed my brother! How dare you!" The girl , not really knowing what was going on, apologized for it. The little man didn't quite understand because the girl didn't really know much english. Her father spoke english, but she couldn't really pronounce anything, I guess....Rumplestiltskin asked her what she was doing in this dump and she said she had to spin straw into gold. Don't ask me how she knew what she was supposed to do at the time...the man gor excited. He jumped up and said that he'd do it for her if she cut out her tongue and gave it to him. She did and so the man ate it. Then he took a jar of intestines and gold coloured glitter crap that teenagers like (it was the girl's glutter crap, she didn't know that he stole it). He sprinkled it on the straw. He thought it was cool how he ate the girl's tongue though because now he sounded like the girl. Everyone figured he was just a transexual. Anyway, the girl was happy now because she could leave now. Unfortunately for the girl, this was about a decade later and the king (who was by this time long dead) had completely forgotten about her. She waited another 10 years, patiently too. She got kinda hungry though because the straw that she used to live off of was now gold to her. She nibbled chunks of the rats that visited her iinstead and the flesh of the decaying corpses of the dead prisonered that rested in her cell. That made absolutely no sense, I know, but it's true! This girl was a god damn sick cannibul. She was REAL sick....She got so bored! Before she ate the rats and corpses, she's always rape them first just because she got bored and she needed something to do. She still raped their skeletons after. The rats were a bit small to her though and it was tough to rape their skeleton. Instead, she pretended to be a rat and she nibbled on their bones to sharpen her teeth. Her teeth sort of got sharp after a while and they got all black. They looked cool. She was real hot with sharp black teeth. She liked to dress up some skeletons in women's clothing and she liked to put the rats down her dress so they could play. She enjoyed it when they bit her breasts and ate the flesh of her nipples. One time a couple of lesbian rats mated right inside her dress. It gave her multiple orgasms. Oh, and sometimes she treated her playful skeletons like barbie dolls and she let them have sex all the time. She had a great time in that dungeon, I dunno why the fuck she wanted to leave. Yeah, so anyway, about 10 years passed and the little green man's brother returned. "Hi!" said he. The girl was confused. She thought she had killed him, and plus she was on drugs and she couldn't tell if she was hallicunatijng or not cuz he was a little green man, but he wasn't chasing her with a butcher knife. She always ran away from those men. "Hmmm....." she though. She decided to get the guts and meet one of these men that visited her. She figured she could have sex with them if they didn't kill her. She has tried actually, but I won't go there....She asked if she could rape him and he disappeared. She was kinda ugly, I guess....Well, she was hot, but she just sounds ugly if I described her. She was like 30-something by now and she looked like some old swamp lady who smoked like 10 boxes of cigarettes a day. Someone just asked if she looked like a beansighe and no-she looked nothing like one, ok? Just to clear that up....They do both look very cool and hot, but though you might picture her in some gothic style (I am actually), she's supposed to be green and like...sewer colours I guess...Her skin did sort of glow because of all the acid (rain) that she had. But yeah-she did look cool. The little man just got kinda scared cuz she didn't turn him on. He didn't even recognize her. He sent his little sister, Margret, after her (it's supposed to be spelt that way). She didn't get scared. She believed that she was a big brave dog and she wasn't ascared of no monsters. She mistakend the girl for a monster and nearly ran away. The girl captured Margret and put her in a cage (no clue where the cage came from)). She poked out her eyes with one of her claws that she had graown herself because she kept screaming and it was irritating her, She wasn't used to so much noise. Margret cried and the girl stared at her. Margert had NO idea that the girl was staring at her. "Sleep, little one!" spoke the girl to Margret, followed by a cackle. "EEheeheehee." Like how there's no exclamation point after that? I do. Margret fell asleep, but the girl didn't really know. Instead, she shoved a pitchfork down her throat because she wanted to see if she had any blood. Turns out she didn't. If you're actually wondering where the pitchfork came from, then you must read faerytales more often and then you'd understand. Margert was sort of dead, but not really...The girl thought she was just asleep so she watched her and she somehow got entertained by it. She got bored and she didn't really have any flsh left by then because she was all decayed and stuff...The girl didn't seem to really mind though. She liked the sweet taste of whatever was left of her. Rumplestiltskin later discovered that Margret was missing and set off on a journey to find her. He remembered that he had sent her to that girl's house to let her escape. He went back there. He did remember the scarey monster that he thought he saw, but he figured he was just kidding himself. He figured he was just kidding himself. He forgot why he had sent Margret, sort of....He didn't really, but he convinced himself that she volunteered to go and he just couldn't remember. He didn't like to blame himself. He went back and the girl came. She looked even stupider than before, but she was still hot. Rumplestiltskin, shivering from fear, asked the friendly monster, "Can I have my sister back, please?" She demanded a description and he told her. She had absolutely no memory left and she was very confused. He thought she was lying and he decided to try and make friends with the nice scarey monster. He later discovered after about 3 years or so, that she was the girl that he had been looking for. He got very excited. He made her a deal that if she gave him Margert back, then he would set her free. The girl by now had thought that she was a dead gerbil locked in a graveyard because she was buried alive. She agreed and he made the stone walls vanish. They were magic walls and they could do that if you told them to go away. Rumplestiltskin hurried and set Margret free (anything can happen in this story-there's really no explanation how he set her free after she was digested long, long ago.) Rumplestiltskin left.


The girl decided to explore the rest of the castle. For some stupid ass reason, she remembered her deal with the king and she set off on a massive search to find him in the castle. She was very confused though because the place looked like a stupid mansion in Los Angeles. Some ass modernized it. She put a curse on the place. She got arrested and was put in a lab for people to do experiments on. They thought she was an alien from outer space. Rumplestiltskin returned because he knew she was in trouble again and trapped. Though she did turn into a really cool bitch, he still cared about her. "Howdy!" said he when she noticed that he had returnbed and wanted to rescue her. (He came with a cape this time-he was cool). "I will let you escape if you tell me my name." He liked making deals with her and he thought this one would because cool because his name is just fun. She raised an eyebrow and said "I thought you said it was Rumplestiltskin." He got a bit pissed cuz he did. Original, no? She said out of noweher, "When you set me loose again, can I go to Egypt? I like the warriors there." Rumplestiltskin spoke, "If you want, but instead of guessing my name, you can give me all your limbs because they taste good." She agreed quickly. She really wanted to go to Egypt. He chopped off her limbs and madse her vanish. The stupid scientists got so confused. He put a hex on her so that if anyone stole her, then she would be pecked to death by a sparrow. And if she decided to eat the sparrow (she had the habit) then she'd turn into a pinetree with pine needles and pinecones-get it? That's why they're called pine trees! Pinetrees can't live in Egypt, you know. She went to Egypt and became a ninja (I like ninjas) because she forgot about the warriors. She got abducted by aliens and she died because their meat is poisonous to humans. Rumplestiltskin put her limbs on display at his limb museum. He got really pissed off one day and snapped in half. This story is really bad. Ok...They got married and had kids and lived happily ever after. THE END
