The Adventures of SpoonyII

There once lived a spoon named Spoony II. Spoony II was nuts. He always licked cherries instead of just eating them. He liked cherries a lot. He even had his own collection GRRRR!!!!! Bat keeps reading out loud and I can't type this!!!!!!!! of cherry stems. He had a teepee which he made out of cherry skins. He didn't like eating cherry skins and he had heard that it was unhealthy for you to eat cherry skins. He was a real health freak. Everyday, he would spring 5 onions across the room with his catapult strength. One time he hit an old man with a sun hat on it in the eye and knocked it right out of its socket. Then he sprung the eye at the old man's other eye and knocked that out too. Now the man, screaming with pain, the spoon shot the two eyes right in his mouth, where he started to choke. The spoon was amuased by this. Did that choking sentence make much sense? I don't like the wording...But anyway, the spoon had a dead hamster lying around nearby. Y'know how hamsters and animals get kinda heavy when they die? The hamster was kinda heavy too. Spoony II took the dead hamster and hit the old man in the groin. The old man's socket's got wide and Spoony II the Spoon laughed hysetrically. Suddenly, the old man started changing colours and he passed out and died. Spoony II was confused. He was immortal because he was inanimate and he didn't know what death was. A strong scent of decaying material started coming from the old man after a few days. Spoony II took a huge whiff of this odor. Then he, too, passed out. He did not die though. He wasn't choking on eyeballs. Soon after the dead man's great-great granddaughter named Devid entred the room. She was a victim of pica. A lot of pregnant women get this, but she wasn't pregnant and she was not a woman either, if you couldn't tell already by her name. David is a guy's name, you know...David exited the house and a small gray bunny stepped in her path. "Eeeeek!!!" she screamed. She ran back to the house. I forgot to write a line, so she has to go back inside the room with her deasd great-great grandfather and Spoony II, ok? She spotted Spoony II and she thought he looked quite tasty, so she ate him. The doorbell rang. She answered it and there was the gray bunny. He devoured her quickly and then hopped away. The birds chirped happily and the sun set. The sunset was pretty. THE END