The Subconcious of a Delusional Body

In all, there exist six dimensions. There is one and only one ruler of these dimensions. His only job is to hire the rulers of his dimensions. Only the highest rulers of each dimension are allowed to give permission for someone to hold a key for a new next dimension in front of them. Only the highest rulers have the ability to visit other dimensions, but they don't because they are unaware that they have this ability. The King of the Dimensions knows everything there is to know, however he doesn't know anything outside of his dimension world or if it even exists. He's the highest of them all as far as he knows. He has no true form and no sex. He's just sort of...there.

The first dimension was ruled and created by the King's only daughter. She made her universe only flat colours. Each colour in existence lies in her world. In fact, she is the only one who has ever discovered how to form new colours.

The second dimension is ruled by the King's daughter and son. They loved each other with all their hearts. From their mother, they were given a new dimension. With their own dimension, they went a step further. They created shapes and movement out of lines. Their world was like a cartoon world. They wanted to give the third dimension to someone, so they created a deity to pass it on to. The 3rd dimension, in which you live, is a truly extraordinary one, normal as it may seem. It is ruled by two deities. The eldest gave himself the form of a satyr. He was lonely and he created himself a girlfriend to share his universe with. She was a lovely female satyr, and the one and only female satyr in existence. The King of this universe wanted a child. He discussed it with his Queen. The Queen was a bit nervous about this. She also got jealous. She was afraid that her King would love their child more than he loved her. She wanted to be more superior and powerful than this child. Now in their society, this feeling is acceptable, so don't go thinking, "Jeez, what a...(insert negative noun here)" because she really isn't. And so she came up with the idea of creating life. After much thinking, the King agreed. Together, they thought through what exactly life was and what it would be like. They decided on creating a separate world, a planet on which their little life form would live. They created this planet and decided it was much too boring for anyone to enjoy. They added many plants, none with a soul though as it hadn't yet been invented at the time. They added oceans, rivers, streams, lakes, and rocks to this world (rocks?). Then they decided on what a soul would be like. They thought of how a plant soul would be and they wanted their child's soul to be very different. I am so sick of writing this god damn story already. they gave plant souls to their plants and created the very first animal soul, I guess. I dunno what this animal was, so don't even ask. This soul animal thing was granted ten lives plus a cat. Once the tenth life was up, she would be able to join her parents and be a deity herself.

Unfortunately for the King and Queen, they lost their child due to my own intelligence. They believed they had made a mistake, but indeed they hadn't. Deities can't make mistakes.

I come from the fourth dimension-yes, very good. Why, you're a smart one! You guessed "the next dimension," and you is most certainly correct, heehee! I am the ruler of the fourth dimension and more superior than dimensions one, two, and three. I am the only one who has ever had enough intelligence to discover how to get into the other dimensions older than my own. There is a hole in the wall of my dimension, completely invisible to the naked eye. It is nearly impossible to find considering my universe is so gigantic. It appears to be a never-ending universe, but indeed it's not. This hole is gateway to the third dimension and I chose to stay here because the other two dimensions were just boring and I couldn't think of a good and fun way to destroy them.

I brought with me to your universe the imagination. My imagination was what created me in the first place and is more extraordinary than you could ever imagine. I came as a much more powerful being than the King and Queen for I had discovered much more than they. I made it so they couldn't sense me nor anything. I blocked their view of the real universe that they had created. They would see their universe, but it would be how they wanted, undestroyed and perfect. I completely took over the real universe and made myself King. I added so much. Instead of the place being a perfectly happy and magical place to be, I created cycles, awful scents, and fear. I made feces, urine, and toxic gases-the most beautiful of all my inventions. With my brilliance, I was able to take control of their Child's soul. It was so cool! She was helpless! I wouldn't allow her to ever be male. I made it so her soul would get bored of life and made it so that she would be forced to reincarnate right away with a feeling that she wasn't even beginning a brand new life, like a continuation of her old one with no break in between. I chose what she would be reincarnated into. I made it so her mind could hear me, and only me. I controlled her thoughts and they were all horrid and frightful thoughts. I totally controlled how she died and her life span. I after made her live as a plant, and animal souls in a plant and plant souls in an animal lives the most wretched of all lives. They just don't mix, they were made to not mix.

One day I came up with the most miraculous idea! I came up with a terrific plan to destroy the King and Queen's planet and their too-pretty creations on it, which at the same time would make their child even more of a miserable wretch, living on a gruesome looking planet rather than on a mystical one that she remembered. And so I created humans, the most ugly and despicable of all creatures. And by far the dumbest. They came with speech and an imagination which none of them knew how to work. With speech, they made numerous inventions which would only kill their planet. They created games and war. Years passed and they became more stupid than even I ever imagined!

I gave the King and Queen's child the wonderful opportunity to be the very first human. She hated it. My plan was a success. From then on I only allowed her to be a human and a plant. Both were equally wretched in this case. Human lives grew much worse and unhappy as human intelligence grew. They believed that their lives were getting better and they still do believe, but they are stupid and they don't know any better. Their lives are horrible no matter how joyous they convince themselves that their lives are. Their heads are all filled with such nonsense.

Many years passed and I was unfortunate to be running out of ideas of how to kill my toy. I let her live as a failed suicidal and let her live a very full life. It was her billionth life by now and she was more bored than anyone could imagine by now. I normally kill her at age sixteen, but this time I couldn't think of how to kill her. She tried all the wonderful medieval torture devices (which by the way, was MY idea. Yes. I whispered it in a baby's ear, who later invented it in his later years. GENIUS that boy!) The child got raped numerous times that year and gave forty-nine painful births to forty-nine males, each deformed, each who needed special care from their mother in poverty, who had no husband.

At last I invented Christian misconceptions, which would later destroy those Christian "pagans". So my child was burned at the stake. Many times. Just before her death of the first time at the stake, she screamed my name aloud. I appeared to her (she was requesting that I do so, yes?) and threw my head back and just laughed insanely at her. How did she know my name though?! I, "God", don't even know. Her human intelligence had never existed it seems, and indeed she was getting more extra true intelligence. She had existed for so long, that this is not surprising to me.

Her next life, she had discovered how real her imagination truly was. She knew it could do magical things outside of her own realm, and it could. Outraged, I killed her again at the old traditional age of 16 by burning her. Hoping that she'd forget it all in her next life, she didn't. She discovered it once again and this time she went further! Damn her! She discovered hidden sense which I didn't even know about. Her father and mother must have given the imagination to her.

I let it go for a while as I watched humans invent wondrous and destructive objects during the Italian and American Renaissances. They chopped down forests and built many paved roads on which no plant or animal could live. They polluted the waters and air with that. The planet was truly a mess-exactly what I wanted and planned. This is just what I had been waiting for!

I let her live this life for 179 years and let her die just before her 180th birthday. I was growing tired of her, especially now that she was getting closer and closer to discovering her master. I buried her alive just for the hell of it. The worms ate her.

Her next life, at age 16, she learned who I was. She was deprived of sleep for many months due to insomnia and she hallucinated me. I felt I was doomed. And...I was sort of. She learned my secret plan of killing her parents, but I shaln't tell you what it is because it IS a secret. She knew I was her curse. We had a battle and the power of her imagination was strong enough to sort of defeat me. She contacted her long lost parents and explained to them what was going on. How cute-a stupid human with psychic powers. Neat...Her parents were shocked and the funny thing is they didn't know how to get rid of me-Hahahaha!! They did however, know how to see the real vision of their universe. Apparently they came with an imagination when they were created-dammit. The King just lost his mind completely. He couldn't stand such a sight. The Queen was in too much disbelief to have much reaction. The King only wanted to die, but he could not since he was immortal of course. Once something is done, it is permanent. The King sulked and sulked and today is still in this condition. I haven't been destroyed yet and I never will for I am only an imagination and they can never be destroyed! And I still own this world! However, I think my slave is going to run away after her life is over and perhaps, one day, I shall be doomed. But until then-WAUAHAHAHAA! BEWARE! The end
