H Meets Sweetspot87...or something like that.

raspswirl05: [Australian accent] 'lo mate!
Snush88: who is this
raspswirl05: My name's Lenny.
raspswirl05: You can't read my profile because you still have AOL. Isn't that just dandy? It's a damn good one, yes it is!
Snush88: is this katherine
raspswirl05: yep, yep-Lenny and Katherine, all the same.
raspswirl05: Is Katherine from London?
Snush88: shut up who is this
raspswirl05: I can't tell you who this is if I'm ordered t shut up. I'm sorry. Really, I am.
raspswirl05: I'd like to meet Katherine, is that alright?
Snush88: no talk
Snush88: please
raspswirl05: Hey, you're not the boss of me. You don't know me! You can't tell me what to do!
Snush88: just tell me if this is a boy or girl
raspswirl05: I'm a man.
raspswirl05: Umm...a boy sorry.
raspswirl05: I only wish I were a man.
Snush88: is this paddy
raspswirl05: You're a girl, I take it?
Snush88: if i guess will u tell me
raspswirl05: No, I'm not Paddy. I don't know where you get the idea from.
raspswirl05: Yeah, fair enough. You're not gonna guess though, so you're wasting your time really.
raspswirl05: Unless you know some people in London, there's no way.
Snush88: im sweetspot87
Snush88: k
raspswirl05: why? You tryin' to get rid of me, are ya? Is sweetspot Katherine per chance?
Snush88: no i just want to know who u r
Snush88: who is this
Snush88: please im sweetspot87
Snush88: u there
Snush88: answer me
Snush88: please
raspswirl05: I don't have time to IM sweetspot87. I'm sorry. Really, I am.
raspswirl05: Will she tell you who I am?
Snush88: does she know who u r
raspswirl05: I don't know, possibly.
raspswirl05: Though the chances are quite slim.
raspswirl05: You aren't ever going to figure out who I am. If you saw my picture, you still wouldn't have a clue.
Snush88: k
Snush88: how u get my sn
raspswirl05: I found it on the ground is all.
raspswirl05: So I took it. I wanted to meet you. It's such a pretty sn indeed
Snush88: how did u find my sn on the ground if u live in london
raspswirl05: I haven't a clue. It was just there!
raspswirl05: A pack of wild geese were pecking at it and I saved it!
Snush88: where were you
raspswirl05: I was hiking to Ireland.
raspswirl05: It's right near England, it wasn't far
Snush88: i live in the aussia
raspswirl05: Aussia? Where's that?
Snush88: Australia
raspswirl05: Oh, really?
raspswirl05: What's an Australian doing with AOL? You'd think they'd know better
raspswirl05: You seem like an American, are you sure your from Australia?
Snush88: shut up
Snush88: yes
raspswirl05: Ha, I am smarter than you-nahnana!
raspswirl05: And you don't spell like an Australian besides, at all.
Snush88 signed off at 11:00:20 PM.