raspswirl05: hey do you have any idea what sweet spot sounds like?
SweetSpot87: who is this
raspswirl05: God.
SweetSpot87: ok
SweetSpot87: who is this ???
raspswirl05: I would harrass you more, but your colours are seriously damaging my retinas, which is hurting my brain. Your screen name's perverted, that's all.
SweetSpot87: tell me who this is
raspswirl05: No.
SweetSpot87: y?
raspswirl05: Because I said so.
SweetSpot87: y/
raspswirl05: "
SweetSpot87: Y?
raspswirl05: Why did you IM me in the first place if you don't even know who I am??
SweetSpot87: u imed me
raspswirl05: Me?? Never! I know better than to do that!
SweetSpot87: ok
SweetSpot87: u are a little STRANGE!
raspswirl05: Why the HELL would I IM some girl with such a sick screen name such as sweet spot?
SweetSpot87: u are just jealous
SweetSpot87: so shut the hell up
raspswirl05: Why? Because I don't make screen names when I'm stoned?
raspswirl05: I'm not jealous.
SweetSpot87: what?????
SweetSpot87: ok whatever
raspswirl05: Your screen name sounds like something you'd make up while you were having an orgasm.
raspswirl05: And that is just sick and unethical.
SweetSpot87: no
SweetSpot87: whatever
[reblocks her]
SweetSpot87 signed off at 12:10:17 AM.

MRacketmike: hey
raspswirl05: what are you??
MRacketmike: were you talkin to sweetspot87?
raspswirl05: No.
MRacketmike: ok
MRacketmike: how old are you?
raspswirl05: why do you care?
raspswirl05: Isn't it past your bedtime?
MRacketmike: i just wanna know
raspswirl05: 16 1/2.
MRacketmike: what school you go to?
raspswirl05: NAHS.
MRacketmike: where is that?
raspswirl05: Are you going to blow it up now?
raspswirl05: It's in North Attleborough.
MRacketmike: what state?
raspswirl05: Massachusetts.
MRacketmike: kk buh bye
raspswirl05: Next you're gonna ask the zipcode, right?
raspswirl05: bye bitch.