the most intelligent guy so far

streakman69: hi- i ran across your profile the other day and would like to talk to you see if we could have some fun
streakman69: if ur for real
teenexhibitionist: maybe later. I'm not in the mood.
teenexhibitionist: No. I'm fake.
streakman69: lol
streakman69: well about 90% on here are
streakman69: i dont mean cyber but i wanna talk about other stuff
teenexhibitionist: How much are gonna pay me?
streakman69: how much do u want
teenexhibitionist: How much you got?
streakman69: as much as i it takes
streakman69: depends on what u are going to do
streakman69: flashing only? umm
streakman69: i dunno what the going rate
teenexhibitionist: I'll cyber with you if you buy me this:
streakman69: i dont want to cyber- i want u to flash me
teenexhibitionist: but you can't see me through a screen. You can only imagine.
streakman69: yes this is true but i live in florida too
teenexhibitionist: I don't live in Florida.
streakman69: ur profile says u do
streakman69: but u really dont
teenexhibitionist: Ah, proof that I am fake.
streakman69: well not fake but concealing your location
teenexhibitionist: I live in MA
streakman69: not the first time
streakman69: alright
streakman69: have fun then [wait...I can't let him off that easy]
teenexhibitionist: I'm sorry you wish so much that I flash strangers that you won't believe truth.
streakman69: i believe that u probably have
streakman69: i believe u live in ma too
teenexhibitionist: Nope...Never. I'm not that slutty.
streakman69: lol so its all just a joke
teenexhibitionist: That's right.
streakman69: humph
teenexhibitionist: sorry.
streakman69: what ever floats yor boat
teenexhibitionist: I gotta go, hun.
streakman69: its ok
streakman69: okey