after so many in one night, it starts getting old.

brock_smith2002: hello sexy
teenexhibitionist: hello brock smith
brock_smith2002: how are you sexy
brock_smith2002: liked your profile
teenexhibitionist: I'm well brock smith, how are you?
teenexhibitionist: Thanks, I created it myself.
brock_smith2002: are you an exhibitionis(having probs spelling that)
teenexhibitionist: yes
teenexhibitionist: exhibitionist, it's in my name.
brock_smith2002: i know i like that
brock_smith2002: are you cute?
brock_smith2002: silly question isnt it?
teenexhibitionist: No, I'm masculine and hairy.
brock_smith2002: well, i had an online friend who said was female turned out to be a male
teenexhibitionist: Oh yeah? That's strange. Maybe they got a sex change?
brock_smith2002: pretended to be female to pick up guys
teenexhibitionist: Sneaky.
brock_smith2002: i know,
brock_smith2002: how old are you sexy?
teenexhibitionist: Or maybe they were actually a female just trying to fuck with your head for her own entertainment.
teenexhibitionist: I'm 17.
brock_smith2002: kewl, do u have a pic?
teenexhibitionist: Hmm...No I don't think so.
brock_smith2002: oh too bad,
teenexhibitionist: Sorry.
brock_smith2002: ok dont be
teenexhibitionist: Maybe in a few weeks when my friends lets me use her for her scanner.
brock_smith2002: thatd be great, what do u look like?
teenexhibitionist: black hair, light skin, red lips, green eyes, underweight.
brock_smith2002: love green eyes
teenexhibitionist: Well good
brock_smith2002: where are you located sexy?
teenexhibitionist: Florida.
brock_smith2002: nice, love it there, parents live in venice
teenexhibitionist: That's nice. I have a brother who lives in Toronto.
brock_smith2002: great, are u up here often?
teenexhibitionist: Nope.
brock_smith2002: too bad
brock_smith2002: would have liked to have seen you
teenexhibitionist: who wouldn't?
brock_smith2002: lol the gay man who said was a young female
teenexhibitionist: Nahhh
brock_smith2002: bye sexy girl xxx
teenexhibitionist: byyyee ooo
brock_smith2002: u think you could turn a gay man?
brock_smith2002: think on that bye xxxxxx
teenexhibitionist: NO but they could be my friend anyway
brock_smith2002: true, xxx
teenexhibitionist: I'm gay myself, why would I try turning a gay man straight? That's fucked up. Bye xxx
brock_smith2002: gay man? you?
teenexhibitionist: gay woman.
brock_smith2002: thats ok
teenexhibitionist: that's my dad's profile yer lookin at
brock_smith2002: where?
teenexhibitionist: the teenexhibition one. He's a fucking pedophile.
brock_smith2002: thats sick
teenexhibitionist: yeaah REAL sick, man
brock_smith2002: u r dad?
teenexhibitionist: I am dad's daughter.
brock_smith2002: has he had u?
teenexhibitionist: No.
brock_smith2002: how do you know hes a pedoph
teenexhibitionist: He sexually harrasses teenage girls. Not his family though.
teenexhibitionist: They're always too afraid to tell on him, but he's been arrested for doing it on the internet before. It's kinda sad.
brock_smith2002: how old
teenexhibitionist: 47.
brock_smith2002: whats he do
teenexhibitionist: flirts with them, makes them rub his penis.
brock_smith2002: picks them up on the net?
teenexhibitionist: yeah
brock_smith2002: how do u know
teenexhibitionist: Because he's my dad, I know everything he does.
teenexhibitionist: I've caught him do it on enough occasions. He's a sick man with problems.
brock_smith2002: you like older men
teenexhibitionist: ewwwww no
brock_smith2002: oh ok you like flashing them?
teenexhibitionist: Not really.
brock_smith2002: i just read your profile sorry
teenexhibitionist: it's all right.
brock_smith2002: sure
brock_smith2002: are u sure u r 17 lol
teenexhibitionist: yes I'm positive. My birth certificate proves it.
teenexhibitionist: Why, do you think I'm older?
brock_smith2002: you seem way too smart,
brock_smith2002: and older
brock_smith2002: complement for you tho
teenexhibitionist: How old do you think I sound?
brock_smith2002: 30s
teenexhibitionist: Not 80's, eh?
brock_smith2002: you?
teenexhibitionist: yes
brock_smith2002: yes what
teenexhibitionist: Forget it.
teenexhibitionist: You said you were leaving.
brock_smith2002: am now you got me intrigued
brock_smith2002: bye
teenexhibitionist: yeah, I'm bored. Goodbye sir