joetenus: Hi there Jill, busy? Care to chat? I am Joe
teenexhibitionist: hello, Joe
teenexhibitionist: That's my father's name.
joetenus: Really. So what are you into??
teenexhibitionist: golfing and nature.
joetenus: Mmm you play alot??
teenexhibitionist: Nope.
joetenus: Just like to play??? And I see you are a training stripper..........LOL
teenexhibitionist: why's that funny?
joetenus: No not at all, just curious I guess......been training long?
teenexhibitionist: not at all.
joetenus: Mmmm so how did you get into it?? Are You a true exhibitionist?
teenexhibitionist: No I'm not. I just chose the name randomly to attract sexually frustrated men in order to fuck with their heads.
joetenus: HAHA.....well it worked didn't it!!!!
teenexhibitionist: damn straight. I'm all a scam, really.
joetenus: A scam???
teenexhibitionist: Mhmm
teenexhibitionist: I'm being paid by the government to do this.
joetenus: A playful scam or what???
teenexhibitionist: They want to catch child molesters. So far they've arrested 5 because of me.
joetenus: KEwl, well atleast you get to laugh from time to time and get paid for it
teenexhibitionist: I personally am against it, but hey, I'm getting paid for this shit and I'm certainly enjoying it.
joetenus: So are you really from FLa??
teenexhibitionist: Nope. Massachusetts.
joetenus: haha...LOL....Haven't been to the New England states...........they say it is nice
joetenus: I have to say your interests in your profile is diverse to say the least!!
teenexhibitionist: yeah...I dunno how that happened...
teenexhibitionist: I am addicted to getting banned from Christian clubs.
joetenus: Mmmm well you are a charmer................Banned from Christian clubs, why is that
teenexhibitionist: It makes me laugh.
joetenus: And tell me more...
joetenus: Is your Dad a preacher or something?
teenexhibitionist: No.
teenexhibitionist: The Yahoo club people judge me by my name and kick me out.
teenexhibitionist: My mother used to be a nun though.
joetenus: haha........So how old or young are you??
teenexhibitionist: 17.
joetenus: Now how can your mom be a Nun??? I am 33
teenexhibitionist: She was a nun until she fucked my dad and had me. So she's going strait to hell.
joetenus: Mmmmm........So let me ask you. You surf the net for "older" guys who lok for real hookups for the gov???
joetenus: opps I mean look for
teenexhibitionist: I surf the net for pedophiles. They're illegal in America.
joetenus: Kewl.........You know it is hard to know how old anyone actually is on here....Some may say they are 17, 18, 19 and may be 30 and playing their sexual fantasies out..
teenexhibitionist: go tell the fucking government that.
joetenus: And yes I know pedophiles are illegal!!!
teenexhibitionist: Some free country, eh?
joetenus: Well thats cyber world for you I tell me are you fucking with me now????? be honest.........
teenexhibitionist: Maybe.
teenexhibitionist: Do you want me to fuck you?
joetenus: I thought you were doing well at it already...Who ever you are, you are very bright and very easy going,........and ...........
joetenus: and nice to "chat" with, even if you are fucking with my head.....LOL
teenexhibitionist: why thank you
joetenus: quite welcome my dear.....
teenexhibitionist: All the bright kids warn their victims well they're doing, of course.
joetenus: they're doing?? You mean the victims?
teenexhibitionist: No...
joetenus: ??
teenexhibitionist: The predator.
joetenus: YEs I see.............But I am not a predator.........
teenexhibitionist: I know you aren't.
joetenus: And how do you know???
teenexhibitionist: Because I am, dumbass.
teenexhibitionist: You are the prey and I ALWAYS win this game.
joetenus: Yeah right..........what kind of predator?
teenexhibitionist: Nevermind...when do I suck your dick?
joetenus: Sorry, beer was calling.................
teenexhibitionist: I could tell.
teenexhibitionist: You sound like you've been drinking this whole time.
joetenus: Could tell??? That is my first and only for the eve..........
joetenus: Actually I have worked my ass off all week and came on line to chat and play for a while..............
teenexhibitionist: you're naturally like this pretty much then?
joetenus: No smart ass..............LOL
teenexhibitionist: Well, I'll suck your dick if you'd like.
joetenus: would you ............
teenexhibitionist: sure *sucks your dick* It'll cost you.
joetenus: cost me what??
teenexhibitionist: time in prison? teenexhibitionist: I get $376 for each man I bag. joetenus: haha......well I will tell you what, I'll pass and save us time and money!!! K Ms. "JILL"
teenexhibitionist: Fine Mr. "Joe".
teenexhibitionist: How do I know you aren't lying?
joetenus: But I wish you well and hope for the best in your life..........K............Be careful out there........
joetenus: Lying about what??
teenexhibitionist: nothing...fuck you.
joetenus: bye............