
Here is every single little thing that's ever happened to me. Funny about the length, huh? For my whole life, I've been trying to find one interesting thing that's happened to me. Hasn't happened.

age 0: born into this wretched world, missing the wonderous months as a fetus. Prolly started crawling, walking. I liked cheerios and starng at bright lights. I had a cutey cat named Spooks. Started swimming lessons

age 1: I think I went to Disney World.

age 2: started talking...I don't remember this year

age 3: rescued my sweet cat, Pussy Fats from the pound; saw a dragon; I think I went to Disney World; got in a bad car accident; I think I started ballet lessons; Prolly started to draw, if not earlier; learned how to use a toilet; got hit in the head. Stared nursery school-hated it. Fun year

age 4: got my first new car; I think I ate jelly beans with my sister. I don't remember this year too much

age 5:graduated from nursery school; started school, REALLY hated it; Got my cat, Nermal; my two non-Pussy Fats cats were born; first real friend; started Girlscouts, probably (hated that too); stopped taking ballet; might've stopped taking swimming but I'm not sure; started to learn to write and read. Car accident

age 6: Nermal dies; cats' brother and sister is given away (fucking shitty birthday that year); had an urge to die; got my first diary; My mom claims Spooks died this year, but I thought I was 3 when she died (shrugs); lost any sign of self-esteem; started to think about becoming a vegetarian

age 7: learned cursive; stopped lying to my diary; revealed that I wanted to kill myself in writing; really started to hate life; started to pay attention to my brother's cutey guinea pig who lived next to my room

age 8: Moved to this horrendous town; started to really hate people; thought about killing someone; turned insane; learned cursive again; learned what true hate feels like. I think I went to King Richards Faire, but maybe I was 9

age 9: turned into the psycho that I am now; learned how to glare at people; got pissed off a lot; learned cursive AGAIN (fucking morons); got an iguana; guinea pig died; got a guinea pig; got a mouse; I think my mom started telling me real ghosts stories and showed my a picture of a real witch, but maybe I was 10.

age 10: started to play the flute; started doing lousy in school; got sent to a really stupid school counselor who would never believe me when I told her what I did all week and kept trying to change me; went to a doctor who said there was nothing wrong with me (fucking sweet); started getting obsessed with fantasy

age 11: got driven absolutely nuts; learned what more than true hate feels like; really REALLY started to hate everyone; stopped trusting anyone; got even more shy; learned what a real bitch is; got interested in mythology; quit trying to draw or write stories; started to think of an easy way to die; Met a nice person

age 12: graduated from elementary school; guinea pig died; started Junior High School-souldn't stand it; got a very sweet and adorable little hedgehog. Discovered Tori Amos; I believe I got a piccolo; got a guinea pig; created my first website;

age 13: started marching band; calmed down a little bit for a few months (not enough though); met a VERY nice person; watched a wicked funny cooking video in cooking class;

age 14: Quit marching band; iguana died; got redriven completely nuts; graduated from Junior High; started high school-still hated it; discovered Edward Gorey; found my faith; lost a lot of ignorance; Went to California; Started playing the bagpipes; met a nice person; started talking to my brother; created my second website; learned much more of how ignorant people really are. went to King Richards' Faire; discovered how cool the ouija board is; started to draw and write again; rediscovered Edward Gorey; got even more obsessed with fantasy; learned about the faeries; learned what my sense of humour was; learned what I like to read

age 15: lost more ignorance; guinea pig died; hedgehog died; hamster died; went even more insane (guess it was possible after all!); turned even more into a psycho; bird died; went to King Richards' Faire; hung out in graveyards; went to Arizona; Discovered what music I like (well, besides Tori-whoopee-one person...you get it); discovered King Jhonen Vasquez; became a vegetarian; started admitting things; got more annoyed than ever by people's precense; started to speak out and complain about how ignorant everyone is of nature; learned people are even MORE ignorant than I thought the previous year; started remembering more than one dream a night; got really stupid in school (as like the next step of getting stupid); discovered a nice person; got obsessed with forests; got obsessed with puppets

age 16: most beloved cat, Pussy Fats dies; finds a good and effective way on killing myself; goes to Buffalo; tries stuff; realizes a bit as to why I'm like this and who I really am; gets a hedgehog, also very sweet and cute; gets a new and much larger bedroom; met a wickedly nice person (shocking after not having met one in years); watched a cool doumentary; learned how to kill someone successfully; got an idea as to what psychism is; learned that I'm not that stupid afterall and some people are surprisingly dumber than me; hates people more than ever; learned what brand of macaroni and cheese I like a lot; found a completely amusing depression test; had a ton of dreams over the summer
