The Voice of Tippy (aka the girl in H's head)

People often ask me what goes on in my head, so I wrote a poem about exactly what goes on in my head.

So what for que please don't go shirts suck, no they don't-they rule! Shut up you devil. No, you fuckin' angel. Bang! Bang! Pow! Ouch. Good. Angel is dead is dead. Ha. My fingers are black. You liar. Haha! Just kidding. Fingers have creases. Fingers have Ugly creases. They are stupid and pointless. They just give You paper cuts. Stupid paper. Whoever invented paper is a shit head. Blue can either be discusting looking or beautiful. That's funny. I like black because it's never ugly. Everything should be dark black. That would be funny because people would bump into everything. Hahahaha! Yes, everything should definitely be black. Ew. My hand hurts. It feels like I've just been writing straight for about 6 minutes and 45 Seconds. Ache. Stupid Wimpy muscles. They should all die. Tick-tock. Shut up you moronic voice. God You're so stupid! Yeah, you God. How dare you let people kill each other. Wars are Your fault half the time! Ass...Anyway....way...may I get you pudding with sausages? No, I hate sausages. That would be yummy. Lots of chocolate pudding with sausages For my well-deserving dog. Heeheehee! Me. Ahhh...Sleep...So pleasant until you wake up. Then you wish you had never gone to bed in the first place. You could've been doing more important things in like making pudding that's chocolate for your dog for example. I think there's a comma in there somewhere. Commas were also a stupid invention. Fuck it's cold. This school is so fucking dry and cold. When will some super hero burn it down? It would be nice and warm if they burned it. Heat is good. Cold-not. I thought I was writing a poem. What the hell kind of poem is this? Some sexy chik made it up. The chik happens to be a compulsive liar too. Don't listen to her Unless you know her or just happen to be her. Or you're a sheep. My sister ate a sheep yesterday. What a bitch. She has no sympathy for the sheep. How rude of her! My dad's a bitch too. He also ate a sheep. If he didn't marry my mom, he'd probably be a hunter. You idiot. Don't scribble! And he'd probably buy cats and sacrifice them in religious rituals. Geez, what an asshole. I can't believe he would do that! Urg! Bastard. How old are those glasses Mr. Arnold is wearing? They look like they're from the 60's or 70's. What and asshole. My dad used ro have some kinda like that from the 70's. He got them for free. He finally got new ones a couple of years ago. He had to go to the mall for that. Poor guy. It must've been so torturess for him. Why can I never read when I'm mind traveling? It's unfair. What a retard. Oh well. My cat's a retard too. I Think the people over there are planning on raping me. This poem sucks. I'll have to Put it in the club. Farewell. Eesh. I'm not even trying to meditate and my mind still doesn't shut up. Why can't my mind be shy rather than myself be shy? What a jerk. I hope Tippy dies soon. She's a retard and she tastes like saliva. Ew.