The Wet Sock

There once lived a sock
He had toes
Thankfully he was not a jock
One day he got sprayed with a hose
He got wet
"Ack!" said the kid who was wearing him
'Twas not wearing shoes that the kid regret
The shoes names were Tim
They were glad that the kid did not wear them
They hated making moves
So they peed on the flower's stem
Now the faeries got mad ta the shoes
The shoes made their garden unsanitary
They thought it was yucky
So the kid's dog was sent by a faery
He got mud in the garden which was mucky
He was ordered to chew up the shoes
And he did and the dog was fed
Now the faeries had news
That the evil shoes were now dead
Then the faeries got hungry
So they ate the dog and socks
I don't know what rhymes with "hungry"
But one of the faeries died of chicken pox
