Attack of the Zombie Woman

by H
It was the night of January 16th when I awoke to hear a peculiar noise in the closet. I rose from my bed to see what creature was hiding in the closet. I opened it a crack, slowly, quietly...The strange taste of moldy french fries struck my sensitive nose. I quickly shut the closet and ran back to bed. I soon discovered that my bed was not empty like I had left it. I wasn't alone. I caressed the zombie woman's breast and she bit me...hard...and it hurt. It was not long after that I discovered that the zombie woman had eaten my genitals. I let out a shriek, but this only heightened her hunger. She ate out the rest of my abdomen and then...THE BRAIN...In time, I became a zombie myself. It was a joyous experience and I truly did live happy ever after, forever and ever and ever and ever....