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Here are links to some of my favoutite websites. Please take the time to go and visit them. If anyone else wants a link to a site, email me and let me know. But there is one condition, you MUST give me a link too.

A brilliant Final Fantasy 7 website. If you haven't been there already, I strongly recommend you go there now!

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Hi! My name is Helen Tamblyn, and I Rock!

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Websites I like

Go check out the cute dancing hampsters!
Go here for a brilliant chat.
Very good Simpsons page.
Final Fanzone. Yeah, you got it, another Final Fantasy website!
The Official Site of the A.R.C
Final Fantasy Haven
Weird Stuff. Still under construction
Final Fantasy VII Zone
Amy's stuff

Go see Nel's page, and sign her guestbook.
Go to Abie's page! Definately worth a look
My sister's page. Please sign her guestbook.
Teen Planet
Catherine's Page