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Animal Testing.

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The arguments.

Here are the views of different people about Animal Testing. This is James Gleave's opinion.

I think that animal testing for beauty products is cruel. There is no point in harming animals just to make people look more attractive (9 times out of 10 it does not make them look more attractive). But I think testing on animals for medical testing is justified. This is beacuse when a new 'wonder' drug is introduced, it needs to be tested in some way beacuse then we know the drug will benefit to us, unlike beauty products. I would like to see an alternative to medical substances been tested on animals, but it seems we cannot find it yet. Plus, no one in their right mind would send a drug out without it being tested, and animals are the nearest things we can get to humans ( many medical products are tested on chimps whohave a 95% identical DNA structure to humans.

Amy Watkins'.

I think that animal testing is ok, but only on medical products and stuff like that. It's wrong to test beauty products on them cos there's no point. How would the makers of beauty products feel if they had to be tested on? When it comes ro medicine though, its ok cos they could save thousand's of people's lives, and if we didn't have animals they would just find something else to test on.

Catherine Hall.

I think animal rights are very important and that animals should not be treated as badly as they are. For example, I totally disapprove of foxhunting. I think it is a cruel and unessercery form of torture. If people say that it is the thrill of the chase that is so great, then why don't they go drag hunting? It's a lot kinder to the foxes, who don't have to run themselves to exhaustion, knowing that in the end they will be ripped to shreds by a pack on hungry dogs. Where's the fun in that? It's their world too, and we shouldn't spoil it for them.