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Here are views on vegetarians. This one is from James Gleave.

Before I argue this, I must say that I am NOT a vegetarian, and that I do eat meat. I am not against Vegetarians, as you can eat what you want to eat, but I hate all the 'Veggies' who say that everyone should become a Vegetarian. They say it is good for your health (which is true), but there are benefits to eating meat. First of all, meat is a rich source of protein, which is essential part of a balanced diet. Although beef and meat can contain fat, if controlled, meat can be very good to you. Even most athletes eat meat, and they are the height of physical fitness! Also, imagine how many farmers would be put out of business if we all went vegetarian. And that would have quite an effect on the UK's economy as a whole! I am not saying don't become a veggie, but do consider the benefits of eating meat before you do decide to become Vegetarian. As for the extreme minority who say we should all become veggies in memory of Linda McCartney (a famous vegetarian), get a life!

Here are my (Helen's) opinions on vegetarians.

I will say before I go any further, that I AM a vegetarian, but I don't tell meat eaters what they should and should not eat. I don't eat meat, for a couple of reasons. One is when I ate meat I started to feel really bad about eating animals when they don't eat us. Ok, so maybe some of them would eat us given the chance, but we don't give them a chance. Anyway, if they don't eat us we shouldn't them. They have just as much right to live on this planet as we do. The other reason is that in some countries (not Britain) the methods used to kill the animals are downright cruel. I'm not going to tell people that they should stop eating meat, but I do think that people should buy free-range meat, where the animals live in quite nice conditions. Also, you can get all the nessacery fat, protein and vitamins without eating meat. But I suppose, at the end of the day, its up to you what you eat.

Laura Taylor.

I am a vegetarian, but I don't think I'm biased (much). I have been a vegetarian for 3 years this January 8th coming (2000). I had a mouthful of fish at the time. I just thought 'No, not anymore.' I didn't know how to tell my parents so I rung my best mate. She said she would do it as well, so did my other best friend at school. One of them gave up a few them. Eating meat just isn't my thing. We saw a video on fats today at school; it made me glad I'm a vegetarian. Are there any vegans out there reading this.... I don't know how you manage. You can eat meat if you want but I'll stick to my garden burgers and veg thanks. If you would like to comment on my vegetarian views, or are a vegan, or anyone who just wants to write to me my e-mail address is I don't mind people eating meat, I don't force my views on other people and I think they should treat me the same way. I guess if everyone were a vegetarian there would be no pigs, cows, sheep etc. because the farmers wouldn't need them.
