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Mount Markham
Baby Sitter T-Shirt Order Form

"Don’t Mess With The Babysitter"

T-shirts are available through this course or the American Red Cross. The cost is approximately $15.00. The short-sleeved, 50%cotton/50%polyester T-shirt is available in adult sizes: Small, Medium and Large. A sample will be made available at the first session and orders will be taken then. It takes approximately two weeks to receive the order.

"Don’t Mess With The Babysitter" appears on the front of the white T-shirt along with the Red Cross logo. The back of the T-shirt lists:

Top Ten Reasons
Why You Should Take
American Red Cross

Babysitter’s Training,
And Become A Babysitter:
10.Play with cool toys you never had
9. Perfect your first aid skills
8. Watch the latest Disney movie
7. Be cool in emergency situations
6. Stay out late on a school night
5. Learn how to keep infants and children safe
4. You have a greater chance of winning any game you play
3. Have a chance to be a positive role model
2. Get paid to boss kids around
1. Wear a label that means something!
American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training

Miss Peck
Please order my child ____________________ a _____ size "Don’t Mess With The Babysitter" T-shirt. I’ve enclosed a check for $15.00, made payable to "Mount Markham Central School".

Parent Signature and Date.

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