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A Baby Alligator
A Fingerplay

A baby alligator was green and small;
(Hold hands close together in front of body
to indicate the small size of the alligator)

He hadn’t any sharp teeth, none at all.
(Swing head from side to side to indicate none)
He snapped at a beetle, and he snapped at a fly.
(Tuck fingers from right hand in palm
with thumb on top, spring index finger open)

But he didn’t catch a thing, so he started to cry.
(Make a sad face and point to corner of eye to indicate tears)

The baby alligator grew big and long.
(Hold hands farther apart in front of body
to indicate the large size of the alligator)

Soon his teeth were sharp and strong.
(Nod head up and down)
Now he snaps at the beetle, and he snaps at the fly;
(Place palms together and repeatedly open and shut)
He’s a happy alligator, and we know why!
(BIG smile and rub tummy)

TheMailbox: Preschool February/March 1998 "Fingerplays, Poems, & Rhymes: Baby Alligator" Carrie Lacher Page 51.

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