Ball for Baby
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Ball for Baby
A Fingerplay

Ball------------form circle by placing fingers of two hands together.
Hammer--------- pound two fists together.
Soldiers--------stand fingers up straight.
Trumpet---------place two fists at mouth, move fist in and out.
"Peep-a-boo"----place hands over ears.
Umbrella--------place left hand open, palm down, forefinger of right hand points to the center of the open hand.
Cradle----------arms together in a rocking motion.

Here's a ball for baby,
Big soft and round!
Here is a Baby's hammer--
Oh, how he can pound!

Here is Baby's music--
Clapping, clapping so!
Here are Baby's soldiers,
Standing in a row!

Here's the Baby's trumpet,
Toot-toot-toot too-too
Here's the way that Baby
Plays at "peep-a-boo"

Here's a big umbrella--
Keep the Baby dry!
Here's the Baby's cradle--

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