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A Bear Hunt
A Fingerplay

Let's go on a bear hunt!
(Slap hands on your knees to make a walking noise.)

Oh , look!  I see a wheat field.  Can't go around it.  Can't go over it.

Have to go through it.  All right!  Let's go.
(Make hands push aside the wheat.  Return to walking.)

Oh, look!  I see a river.  Can't go around it.  Can't go over it.

Have to go through it.  All right.  Let's go.
(Pretend to swim and then return to walk.)

Oh look!  I see a bridge.  Can't go around it.  Can't go under it.

Have to walk across it.  All right!  Let's go.
(Pound chest and then return to walk.)

Oh, look!  I see some mud.  Can't go around it.  Can't go under it.

Have to go through it.  All right!  Let's go!
(Make sucking noise with cupped hands and return to walk.)

Oh, look!  I see a cave.  It's a big cave.  Let's go inside.  All right!  let's go.
(Close eyes and put hands out in front.)

It's dark in here!  I feel something! It's furry!  Oh, oh!  It's a bear!  RUN!
(Slap knees fast and loud, not saying anything but going back through the motions.)

I'm tired of running.  I'm going to climb a tree to see if we are safe.
(Pretend to climb and look.)

I see him coming!  Better climb down and run again!
(Pretend to climb down and slap knees again, run through the wheat field into the cabin and shut the door.)

WHEW!  We're home safe!

Source:  One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato, Four,  Mary Lou Colgin
(Mt. Raunier, Maryland 1982)  ISBN:  0-87659-116-0  Page 69.

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