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Five Little Busy Bees
A Fingerplay

Five little busy bees on a day so sunny;
(Show all five fingers on one hand.)

Number one said, "I'd like to make some honey!"
(Close the thumb, and allow the four remaining fingers to stand up.)

Number two said, "Tell me, where shall it be?"
(Close the thumb and the index finger, allow the three remaining fingers to stand.)

Number three said, "In the honey tree."
(Close the thumb, index and middle fingers, allow the two remaining fingers to stand.)

Number four said, "Let's gather pollen sweet."
(Close the thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers, allow the one remaining finger to stand.)

Number five said, "Let's take it to our feet."
(Close all the fingers, and form a fist.)

So the five little honey bees went buzzing along,
(Move fist through the air in front of the body.)
Humming their little honeybee song.



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