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Myrtle Was A Turtle
A Fingerplay & Action Verse

Directions for Fingerplay: Right hand is the turtle. Thumb and index fingers are the left feet.
Pinky and ring fingers are the right feet & middle finger is the head.

Directions for Action Verse:
In a line or circle, the children move slowly like turtles for the first stanza. They have smiles on their faces. For the second stanza, they dip their heads down twice, each time coming up chewing. End with crawling.

Myrtle was a turtle,
(Right hand crawls on left arm)

With a polka-dotted shell.
(Move head up and move from side to side)

She looked a little funny,
But she managed very well.

(Tap middle finger down twice)
She ate a lotta bugs,
And a juicy worm or two,
(Move right hand along arm)
And she even went to live,
At the Children's Zoo.

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