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Pennsylvania Pete
An Action Verse

Directions: Begin by having children stand in a circle.
Children can easily learn the responses in parenthesis().

Pennsylvania Pete had a pair of handy feet,
(Walk in a circle, snapping toes.)

And they took him any place he had to go.
(Children stop walking and say, "How so?")

When the weather was nice or the streets were icy.
In the rain, in the sleet, or in the snow.
(Children stop walking and say, "Let's go!")

Well, he didn't have the money, so he didn't have a car,
And he didn't have a horse and sleigh;
(Children stop walking and say, "Okay!")

But it didn't really matter 'cause he didn't like the clatter,
And his feet didn't eat any hay!
(Children stop walking and say, "No way!")

Children can clap for the responses.

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