Comfortably Numb

Snow is on the mountain
Winter settles in my heart
Icy fingers are familiar
Smooth and cold and oh so hard
I'm comfortably numb

Frost bites deep
Tiny birds fly from my heart
White winds scream as they leave
The frozen limbs of my heart
I'm comfortably numb

I watch my hands
To see what it is that they do
They're dirty they don't build churches
They don't take risks, and they don't remember you
'Cause they're comfortably numb

Orion was a mighty warrior
Cleopatra was a cheap French maid
He said, "Sweetheart I give you the moon"
She says, "I'd much prefer jewelry," so in the stars he stayed
Comfortably numb

Me and Jesus we go way back
Cause we used to hang at the mall
He says, "You can't trust them they'll just put holes in your hands"
So I covered him while he stole a bottle of cheap cologne
We were comfortably numb

Lord forbid care crawled up my arm
And I killed it right on the spot
For fear it might tear out of my heart
And make me love what I do not
I'm comfortably
Comfortably Numb

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