The Blue Crush
General Info:
The Blue Crush
Power Rangers lost Galaxy
Episode 8
Episode 301 (total)
Season 6
First Aired 3/27/99
Written by Judd Lynn
Directed by Blair Treu
My Rating 4.8 (out of 5)
This episode was even better than the last. Kai is definatley one of my fave new
Rangers, and boy is Hannah hot!!. Kai has good taste.
The Kid who played Jody was a good actor. I liked all of the action, plot, acting,
And I liked the skating rink scene. It's been rare since PRT that Power Rangers
Has had actual background music with lyrics during the show. This episode had
Two good songs and I hope they'll play more. This has been The best PR ep since
C2D, in my opinion. I really enjoyed it.
See Ya'