First off, the new opening credits were incredible! I think the female fans of the show will appreciate the Leo chest shot that must've snuck in somehow...Anyway, very pumped up (no pun intended) opening credits.
This ep also had tons of excellent fight scenes. Mike and Leo/Russell and Danny really showed us what they've been doing over this summer. Practicing! I couldn't keep track, there was one excellent fight after another. And talk about violence,, swords through stomachs, Leo's arm getting cut, etc. This has to have been one of, if not the most violent episode of Power Rangers ever. And I liked it! I loved the great stunts and the battle sequences. And only one was taken from Sentai, and I can hardly remember it because the American ones were so great! I'm glad Power Rangers has finally decided to take itself seriously. It's about time. :)
Now, the action wasn't the only incredible thing in the episode. The story was also great. Leo had second thoughts about keeping the red quasar sabre because Mike had pulled it from the stone. Mike wants Leo to have it, and the Magna Defender comes back (as a ghost) to pass his powers on to Mike. This was a great story, complete with great acting on the part of the Ranger cast. Saban should be proud that he picked such a great cast to pull off this episode, which has made it onto my top ten PR ep list. Judd Lynn is an incredible writer, and Ryuta Tasakai is a great director, who have also addresed an issue that was important to many PR fans, how Mike was going to explain his absence to Commander Stanton. He did it in a very realistic way.
Well, that's my praise of PRLG's second season primere. I'll be back next week to review the second ep, which (If I'm not mistaken) Brings back Bulk and the Professor, and introduces the Comet Cafe. It has something to do with Trakeena, who has also improved. I'm looking forward to it.