Double Duty
General Info:
Double Duty
Power Rangers lost Galaxy
Episode 7
Episode 300!!!!!! (total)
Season 6
First Aired 3/20/99
Written by Judd Lynn
Directed by Blair Treu
My Rating 4.8 (out of 5)
Well, this was it, Power Rangers' 300th episode!! And it was a great one! PRLG has
Proved in my eyes that it will be the best genre yet. Sure, PriS had the strength of a
Legacy behind it, but PRLG has the better actors, plots, zords, weapons, etc
This episode put the spotlight on Kendrix by giving her two roles. Valerie Vernon
Did an awesome job in her double role and this is possibly my fave PRLG ep yet.
It had a lot of great acting on Valerie's part and superb fight scenes. Overall, a very
Enjoyable episode.
See Ya'