Quasar Quest Part 1
General Info:
Quasar Quest Part 1
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Episode 1
Season 6
PR Episode 294
First Aired: 2/6/99
Written By: Judd Lynn
Directed by: Jonathan Tzachor
My Rating: 4.5 stars (out of 5)
Hey Everybody! Welcome to the first review of the reviews area of my site! I decided
tostart this area after seeing Ry's reviews and disagreeing with some of his opinions. If
you haven't checked out his site go see it.
It's at:
www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/8844Now, on with the review!
In my opinion, PR:Lg has gotten off to a great start! This episode had great effects,
character development, plot, everything!
One thing I gotta say is, compared to last years opener of PriS, this episode was at least
ten times better!!
It starts out with a great view of the galaxy, then we get introduced to the new yellow
ranger, Maya. She's hot!
Then we get the theme song! I'm so glad they didn't cut it! This has got to be my favorite
PR theme of all time! I love it!!!!
Then we get to see the Terra Venture, Kai and Kendrix, and Leo in a great intro, and
basically a training scene that brings Maya into the mix. Then they run off into the portal
and it's a To be continued ep.
I've gotta say that I like all the new Rangers we've seen so far. Saban seems to be upping
the acting requirement for new rangers yet again. No more of the days whne a ranger
couldn't act his/her way out of a garbage can!
It was a good overall episode, even without any morphing! The only thing it got points
taken down for was that it didn't have everything it takes to get a 5. It needs something. I
just don't know what that is...
Well, see ya' next review!