Well, This episode helped to bring the "fuel loss" storyline around and featured a battle with, most likely, the scariest monster Saban has ever used from Gingaman.
I liked the beginning more than the actual zord battles. Zord battles usually don't mean anything too speacial to me. But I liked how the entire ship was in panic and how Damon showed that he really should be head of maintenance of Terra Venture when he was ordering the others around and helped get them out of there. Damon has really gotten some good character development this season, which is a welcome change from the first season.
Titanisaur was scary, and don't tell me there weren't any casualties in this episode. Judging from the way he stomped on cars and blew up buildings, this was probably the most destruction a single monster has ever done on PR.
The zord fight was well done, too. Most of it went smoothly, except for the fact that Centaurus and Stratoforce's arms just "magically" fixed themselves and how Leo was missing for some of the second half.
Pretty Good episode. And the next one looks interesting.
Only 4 eps left!!