Wow! What an incredible episode. When I learned that Power Rangers would have a big budget episode this season that would be directed by a real Hollywood movie director, I couldn't believe it! Now that I've seen the first 3 episodes of Power Rangers Lost Galaxy's 3rd season, I'm pretty sure that I can say that this will be the best season of Power Rangers ever! The first season may have been lacking, in many people's opinions, but this season will undoubtedly change their opinions!
First off, they changed the opening credits! I had heard some complaining that they wouldn't change the credits periodically this season and how the credits would get boring after awhile without the changes past credits have gone through. Well, looks like they were wrong. Even though the credits were only around for two eps this season, they've already added new scenes! Let's hope they keep this trend up.
Now, From the begginning, "The Rescue Mission" seemed like a special episode. When Mike walked in, and the SOS message from the alien appeared, I was glued to the screen. I also liked how real the alien looked. It looked like something straight out of "Star Trek".
The guy who plays Commander Stanton is a really good actor, too. His mannerisms and the way he said his lines were perfect throughout the episode. He's become one of my favorite "non-ranger" characters on the show. The High Council, especially the female leader, were also good in their roles. I hope to see more of them. It was perfect the way Mike was going to stand up to them, but then remembered his rank and stepped back. He did really well in this episode, too. I liked his speech about how "helping" people should come as second nature, and should never have to be asked of someone.
I'd also heard people complaining about how Leo shouldn't have been on the ship since he resigned from the Terra Venture army. The way they got him on the ship was very well done. Simply, Mike was in charge of forming the Rescue Crew, and wanted Leo to be there with him. I liked the scene in the park of Leo playing with the kids. It helped enhance his character's carefree personality.
The scenes on the ship were also well done, and the effects in this episode were top-notch. I liked hw they hinted that the aliens had been killed by the creature without actually saying it. "Sir, I think we just found one of the crew members...or what's left of it"
Now, we also saw Leo find a book hidden away in one of the discared aliens. I won't spoil the surprise for the rest of you, but that book will become very important as the season goes on...
This episode really became scary when Kai started tracking another life form, what FoxKids' called "Stealth". This was one scary monster, and it was American made! It was one fast monster, that's for sure.
I also liked the character of Hargan, played by Jeff Hightower. He added a human feel to this ep when he started freaking out and such. I especially liked when Mike had to yell to shut him up. He's a very good actor.
Now, one of the best scenes in this ep had to be when the Leo found out that the monster was above them and it jumped down to attack them. This was one freaky fighting scene! I was especially scared during the part when the monster grabbed Leo, it looked like it was trying to eat him! Luckily, Mike showed up and scared the creature away with a few blasts to the back. With the rest of the crew now missing, it looks like Leo and Mike have to save them on their own. Too bad Leo also lost the book during the battle, and the alien now has it!
They find the lair of the creature, and (in one of the most disgusting scenes ever in a PR ep) free their captured teamates from the creatures cocoons and get them out of their. Leo also find the "Galaxy Book", and gets it out a cocoon. Their teammates get out, but the creature spots Leo and Mike, and they realize that they have to buy their friends some time.
Meanwhile, Hargan is still on the ship, wandering around and very freaked out. He stumbles into what he thinks is an alien claw (screaming bloody Mary), but it's just a piece of the ship. Well, we can't have a PR ep without morphed Rangers, and sure enough, Blue, Pink, Green, and Yellow show up to rescue Hargan, and lead the rest of the crew back to the ship.
Leo and Mike are running from the gruesome creature, and decide to fire at it to slow it down, this hits some of the ship's equipment, and the ship starts blowing up. Leo and Mike keep running, as the creature screams and roars in anger. They get to a door, and blast it open, with nothing but empty Space on the outside. Just as they are about to give up hope, the GSA ship pulls in. Mike tells Leo to go first, and he does. Mike jumps next, but the Creature grabs his leg! Mike tells Leo to let him go and save the team (deja vu?), but Leo isn't gonna make the same mistake twice, and refuses to let go. The ship starts to blow, when just in time, Blue Ranger flies by, slashing the monster and freeing Mike! They Pull off quickly as the ship goes in a fantastic explosion, engulfing the ship! The watching Terra Venture crew thinks they've perished, but are proven wrong when Mike contacts Terra Venture and tells them that they made it!! Mike and Leo, safe now, sit down and stare at the book in wonder.
All in all, THE MOST INCREDIBLE EP YET! This ep had now bad moments that I can think of. I really enjoyed it and am now looking forward to the rest of the LG season even more.
Next Week, we get a surprise as the Centaurus, Stratoforce, and Zenith Megazords are introduced much earlier than expected! Looks like a Kai and Damon focus ep, too. Fitting, since Damon didn't show up unmorphed in this ep at all. Maya either. That didn't detract from it's enjoyability, though.