As you look around this room, you see animals running about everywhere. A sign on the wall proclaims that these animals are the castle pets, and here is where they sleep.

You start to pick up a grey kitten, and almost drop him as you see his red eyes. His information is on the wall, along with a picture.

My name is Bane von Talone JR.
Vampire Pet
I was adopted at the
Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Vampire Animals
You, deciding you'd better leave him alone after he hisses at you, put down Bane JR., and look around.

You turn around and nearly have a heart attack when you see a dragon glaring at you. Reading his info, You see his name is Aluther, and he was adopted at Silent Wings, The Adoption Center of Mistyc. He is also a Teenager, which means he's going to-gulp-grow some more


Deciding you don't like the hungry look he's giving you, you quickly leave.