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Greetings Portal to the Eye of the Storm

Honi soit qui mal y pense

"Hieroglyph" @H.R. Giger/Morpheus Int'l. 1999

The pages contained here are a part of my soul and heart. Those who would not understand are asked only to look within themselves before applying labels to this creative work, and perhaps to alter preconceived attitudes. Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to evolve. We all have a dark side; some suppress it, while others manifest it. Live with it.

© Danie Powers Route666

RevelationRevelation PsychotopiaPsychotopia The MatrixThe Matrix
Aural PassionsAural Passions The InquisitionThe Inquisition Via SanguinariaVia Sanguinaria
Darklace DreamsDarklace Dreams digital.exorcismdigital.exorcism A Handful of DustA Handful of Dust
The Agony of InnocenceThe Agony of Innocence PandemoniumPandemonium

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Writings @1999, J. Storm; all rights reserved. Artwork and graphics in linkware status are graciously linked back to their sources. My thanks to all who made graphics available to the public without linkbacks--you know who you are! All Giger prints used with permission; I bought the book and linked the pictures back to their source.