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My Instruments

I come from a very musical family and playing instruments was always encouraged by my parents and extended family members. In my house, we have a drum set, a Tenor Saxophone (which are both my brother’s), an acoustic guitar (my Dad’s), an Alto Saxophone, a Bass Guitar (which are both mine), a keyboard, and a harmonica.

My sax is a standard E-flat Alto sax that I’ve been playing for 7 years. I first learned in September of 1996 and have been playing throughout my years in school. My favorite thing to play is probably Jazz. I’ve had some AMAZING band teachers throughout school but unfortunately had to give up playing in school, as my current one does not have enough students to form a cohesive band program.

My bass is a black Yamaha 4-string that was purchased for me by my Mom and Dad in August of 2001; I have been playing for just over 3 years. I also own a small 20-watt Peavey Microbass practice amp, a Cry Baby wah pedal, and a couple of crappy patch cords. I’m hoping this year for Christmas I’ll be able to afford some decent jamming equipment, but that depends on whether or not I get my shit together and get a job.

In the future, I hope to eventually buy an electric guitar, some recording equipment, and probably some kind of a Bass stack *drools uncontrollably*. That is- if I magically get rich, win the lottery, or pull some cash out of my ass.

Pictures to come shortly