OKAY...if you have not seen all of Escaflowne...do NOT scroll down...it will ruin your day!! Ne pas entrez!!! No entra!!...This page...entitled "Spoilers"... CONTAINS SPOILERS...(duh...) | |||
Allen and Hitomi
kissing, from the opening
Allen kissing Hitomi on the bridge Allen and Mirlene (NOT MILLERNA!) in their youth Dilandau and Serena, standing back to back |
Folken and
Van with their wings
Van spreading his wings in pain, after Escaflowne is almost destroyed |
Van and Folken
with their wings on the cover of an art book
Van and Hitomi with his wings on the cover of a magazine Van and Hitomi with his wings >kawaii!< Van's face, showing his wings to Hitomi | Van with his wings, sitting on rocks |