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Usagi's info

Name:Tsukino Usagi

Birthday:June 30

Fav. Food:Anything sweet

Astrological sign:Cancer

Blood type:O

Fave color:Pink and white

Hobby:Eating cake

Least Fav.Food:Carrots

Fav.subject:Home ec.

worst subject:Math,english

Trouble with:Dentists,ghosts

Strong point:Brownnosing,crying

Dream:To be a bride


Usagi is a very whiney girl and trips an awful lot.People make fun of her for it.But benath that layer is a strong and beatiful princess of the white moon,Princess Serenity.She is a good leader when she tries,and has loved Prince Endymion for a long time.Someday,whan they returned to each other.Usagi's bestfriend is probably Rei.See the Sailor Mars bio for the reasons.When Usagi tries hard enough,she actually is a very good leader.She drove Chaos out of Galaxia.She generally saved Sailor Saturn.She is very pretty when she is not flippping out.The reason she is so lovable is that she is funny and is very nice.By the end of Sailor Stars,she has the biggest heart and loves everyone.She hates hurting people.She becomes Neo Queen Serenity and saves Earth and rules the Galaxy with Neo King Endymion.She has a daughter,princess Serenity.
