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a bit about me

Ok, the boring general stuff about me. I am a former college student, I have 2 classes to take and then I can graduate but I am currently not in school. My major is geology with a minor in chem. My goal was to go on to grad school and become a paleontologist but with the way things have been going, that's not going to happen. I'm thinking maybe teaching, music or science. I am a pagan. Rather and ecclectic Wiccan. My main calling seems to be celticly related but seeing as how my patroness is Sif, the Norse goddess of the harvest, I have to label myself ecclectic. I draw too many different things from too many different places to give myself any sort of true label. Which isn't neccessary in paganism anyway. I have two main passions in life, music and horses. I can't live without either. I've sung in various choirs since middle school and played handbells for many years. I play piano and REALLY would like to learn how to play the guitar and the bagpipes. I took riding lessons for about 10 years but I haven't been on a horse in over 3 years now (that's sad). I've worked in various stables and rode on the intercollegiate team at my first college. Since I don't have much of a chance to be around real horses I like to collect model horses. It's actually a growing hobby, collecting these plastic horses and showing them. You can learn more about the hobby by checking out my model horse links. Not too much else about me to know. I like to read, some favorite authors being Ray Bradbury, Clive Barker, Stephen King, Anne Rice, Mercedes Lackey (FABULOUS), and Marion Zimmer Bradley. Music wise I like to listen to Loreena McKennitt, Seven Nations, enya, They Might Be Giants (older stuff), Tori Amos, Jewel, Barenaked Ladies, The Cranberries, R.E.M., Meat Loaf, and Beethoven. Toby Keith got me hooked back on country and I think he just totally kicks butt. "How Do You Like Me Now?" and "I Wanna Talk About Me" are 2 of my absolute favorite songs. As for movies, I think the Star Wars trilogy is the one of the best things that ever happened to me. The Rocky Horror Picture show is another favorite (who can't love Tim Curry in fishnet stockings and heels?). Now you know more about me than you probably ever wanted to.
